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To the Honorable the County Commissioners of <br /> the County of Middlesex: <br /> THE subscriber,inhabitants of the town of Lex, <br /> ington and Burlirgton, in said County, re- <br /> spectfrdly represent, that the pn'alic convenience <br /> and necessity require that a rew roan Le located: <br /> and built in said town of Lexington, cemmencing <br /> at a point on the main road or. street loldirg flow <br /> West Cambridge in said Conwy to Lexington, <br /> centre,near the depot of the Lexington anti Wtst <br /> Cambridge Railroad, at said Lexington, and <br /> between the dwelling house on the estate late of R. <br /> Meriam,deceased,and that of Mrs. Muzzy,and. <br /> from hence running northeasterly and northerly <br /> aaross the lands of the heirs of said Meriam and of <br /> said Meriam Estate, of Airs.Mazzy,Gorham Big- <br /> elow, Abiaab W.Farrer,L. Turn vr,H. A. lion= <br /> mer,.and to or near lands of N.Nlulliken to or near; <br /> the house late of H.Read; thence over lands of J. <br /> Fisk to a point on the main road leading fiom Lex- <br /> ington to said County near the dwell- <br /> •ing house late of Wm.P. Gibbs of said Lexington, <br /> deceased. <br /> And your petitioners further represent that said <br /> road would connect immediately with the road ftcm <br /> Waltham to said Lexington thereby loaning a mote <br /> direct and easy communication between Walthar, <br /> and Burlington through said Lexington,and great_, <br /> Iq facilitating the means of travel and transporta <br /> tion. � <br /> Wherefore your petitiouers•pray that said road <br /> between a points,&c.,as aforesaid,described,be <br /> d out and built as a public highway;, and such <br /> other action be taken in the premises Ds to your <br /> Honorable Board may seem meet and proper,and <br /> as to duty bound will ever pray, &c, <br /> A.W.FARRAR, and 101 others. <br /> August,1853. <br /> Commonwealth of Massachusetts,_ <br /> IDDLESEX SS. At a meeting of the <br /> County Commissioners for said County of j <br /> Middlesex,at Concord,in said County,on the first t <br /> Tuesday of September, in the year eighteen bun- <br /> ared and fifty-three. f On the foregoing petition, Ordered, that the <br /> Sheriff of said County,or his Deputy, give notice <br /> to all persons and corporations interested therein,. <br /> — <br /> that said Commissioners will meet 'for the purpose. III��rrr�//'rJ <br /> of viewing the premises and hearing the parties at f <br /> the Lexington House,in Lexington,on Monday the, <br /> twenty-fourth day of October next,at ten o'clock <br /> in the forenoon,by serving the Town Clerk of Lex- <br /> ington with a copy of said petition and this wee, <br /> thereon,thirty days at. least before said view,ane ,t <br /> ky publishing the same in the).Lowell Weekly Amer- <br /> lean,a newspaper,printed at Lowell,three weeks <br /> successively,the last publication to be fourteen days <br /> at least before said view,and also by posting the <br /> same in two public places in Lexington, fourteen <br /> days before said view; and that he make return of <br /> his doings herein, to said Commissioners, at the, <br /> time and place fixed for said view and hearing. <br /> Attest. M.PRESTON,Assistant Clerk. <br /> Copy of Petition and Order therein, <br /> Attest. M.P'AESTON,Assistant i5lerh., <br /> A Copy Attest. LEVI PARKER,D.Sheriff. <br /> [w3wsep8] <br />