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WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING, <br /> MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1892. <br /> To WILLIAM B, FOSTER, Constable of Lexington, GREETING: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required fo notify and warn the <br /> inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at the TOWN <br /> HALL, can MONDAY, the' seventh day of March, A. D.-, 1892, <br /> at seven o'clock, A. M., to act on the following. Articles, namely <br /> Article i. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meet- Art. 17. To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to <br /> ing, draw from any unappropriated money in the treasury for the <br /> Art. 2. To choose by ballot the following town officers:— payment of contingent expenses. <br /> One Town Clerk, three Selectmen, three Overseers of the Poor, Art. 18. To see if the town will make an appropriation to <br /> three Surveyors of Highways, three Assessors, one Town construct sidewalks, with concrete-or other material, where the <br /> Treasurer, one Collector of Taxes, three members of the abuttors will pay one-half of the expense thereof. <br /> Board of Health, two Auditors, two Constables,—all for the Art. i9. To act upon a proposition .from Miss Ellen A. <br /> term of one year, One member of the School Committee for Stone-to sell and convey to the town, for the sum of two thou- <br /> the term of three years, one member of the School Committee sand dollars, her mansion house,in East Lexington, with about <br /> for the term of one year, one member of the Cemetery Com half an acre of land,_the same to be used for library, reading- <br /> mittee for the term of three years. room and other purposes, under the management of the Trus_ <br /> n rt. 3. _ To see if the town will vote for or against granting tees-of Cary Lil,r: Y;-, and-to take any action relating thereto, <br /> x ;iceuces-for the-sale--of intoxicating liquors, in answer to the including the granting of money for the purchase of said prop- <br /> question: "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intox#.cating erty, and the improvement and care of the same. <br /> liquors in this town?" Art. 20. To see what action, if any, the town will take <br /> The vote on the above question shall be by ballot, °' Yes,, or toward purchasing or otherwise providing land and a building <br /> in East.Lexington, for use as a branch of Cary Library and pur- <br /> The election officers will receive votes under Articles 2 and 3 poses incidental thereto, and to make any suitable appropriation <br /> therefor. <br /> on the official ballot prepared by the Town Clerk. The oils <br /> will be opened as soon as possible after the organization of the Art. 21. To see if the town will release all its right, title <br /> meeting and shall be kept open until five o'clock,P. M. and interest under the last will of Mrs. Ellen A. Stone, late of <br /> Lexington, deceased, in and to any real estate owned by her at <br /> All business under the following Articles will be acted her decease, and to take any further or other action relating <br /> on after one o'clock P. M. to her bequest to the town. Article third of the will is as fol- <br /> lows: .lows: '°Third, I give to the Town of Lexington, if I do not <br /> Art. 4. To receive the reports of any Board or Committee do it in my lifetime, an half-acre of land in East Lexington to <br /> of the town for action thereon. be used as a site for a public reading-room or library purposes, <br /> Art. 5. To see if the town will accept the list of Jurors pre- the land to be selected by my daughter, or, in case of her death <br /> sented by the Selectmen. without making the selection, the selection to be made by the <br /> Art. 6. . To see if the town will make an appropriation for Trustees named in the 6th Article." <br /> the proper observance of Memorial Day, under the direction Art. 22. To see if the town will make an appropriation for <br /> of Post i 19, G. A. R. 1-1 the purchase of an odorless cart and necessary apparatus to be <br /> Art, 7. To see if the town will make an appropriation for kept at-the poor farm, or act in any way in relation to the sew- <br /> the proper observance of April i9, 1892, under the direction of erage of the town. <br /> a Committee of the Lexington Historical Society. Art. 23. To see if the town will vote to grade the land ad- <br /> Art. 8. To provide for the support of the Public Schools the Joining the-Town Hall, and make an appropriation therefor, or <br /> ensuing year, and grant money for the same. act in any manner relating thereto. <br /> Art.9. To provide for the support of the Poor the ensuing Art. 24. To see if the town will construct a lock-up such as <br /> year, and grant money for the same. the law requires, or act in any manner relating thereto. <br /> Art. io. To provide for the support of Outside Poor the Art. 25. To see if the town will paint the rooms occupied <br /> ensuing year,and grant money for the same. by the Masonic Lodge, and make an appropriation therefor. - - -- <br /> Art. ii. To provide for the support-of-the-nighways-the---- Art.-26. To see if the town-will purchase settees for the hall <br /> -- ensuing year, and grant money for the same. now occupied by Cary Library Trustees, and make an appropri- <br /> Art. 12. To provide for the support of Street Lighting the ation therefor. <br /> ensuing year, and grant money for the same. Art. 27. To see what regulations the town will adopt in re-- <br /> Art: 13.` To provide for the support of the Fire Department lation to the use of said hall. <br /> the ensuing year, and grant money for the same. Art. 28. To see if the town will make an appropriation for <br /> t Art. 14. To see if.the town will make the appropriations for the enforcement of the liquor law. <br /> town expenses the ensuing year,as submitted by the Selectmen, Art. 29. To choose such other town officers as the law re- <br /> or act in any manner relating thereto. quires as are usually chosen by nomination. <br /> Art. r To see if the town will aut Art. 30. To see if the town will make an appropriation to <br /> 5• hprize their Treasurer, defray the expense of setting the new flag staff on the grounds <br /> under the direction of the Selectmen, to borrow money for any of the Hancock school house. <br /> necessary purpose, in anticipation of the collection of taxes the Art. 31. To see if the town will establish and maintain a <br /> current year, the same to be repaid directly from the proceeds steam gong or whistle for use in connection with the schools, <br /> of said taxes, or act in any manner relating thereto. and other purposes,and make an appropriation therefor. <br /> Art. 16. To see what measures the town will adopt in rela- Art. 32. To see if the town will accept Chandler street as <br /> tion to the collection of taxes the ensuing year, or act in any laid out by the Selectmen, or act in any mariner relating there- <br /> manner relating thereto. to, and make an appropriation for completing the same. <br /> Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town <br /> -Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. <br /> Given under our hands at Lexington, this eighteenth day of February, A. D., 1892. <br /> WEBTER I�MITH, 1 SELECTMEN <br /> RUFU, W. HOLBROOH, } OF <br /> GEORGE E. MUZZEY, LEXINGTON. <br /> .A true copy. .Attest : WILLI.AM B. FOSTER, Constable of Lexington. <br /> The Registrars of Voters will be in session at the Village Hall (or East Lexington Reading Room), on <br /> Wednesday, Feb. 24, from 7 to 9 o'clock, P. M., and at Town Officers' Room, Town Hall building, on Wed- <br /> nesday, March 2d, from ro o'clock, P. M. <br />