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W ANT <br /> RR <br /> FOR A <br /> TOWN 2 EErZSN' G-, <br /> SATURDAY, FEB. 213 18910 <br /> To William A Foster, C.,oiistable of Lexington, Greeting-. <br /> - 1n -t-heA!ame- f-the CommonweAth of Massac itTse is you are hereby required-to notify T <br /> and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town af- <br /> fairs, to assemble at the TOWN HALL, on <br /> SATURDAY, THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF FEBRUANY, A. D., 18K <br /> at 2 o'clock, P. M., to act on the following articles, viz:— <br /> ART. i. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ' <br /> .ART. z. To see if the Town will accept the provisions of chapter three hundred and eighty-six (3,86) of the <br /> Acts passed by the General Court in the year i89o, entitled, cc An Act to authorize the printing and distributing <br /> of ballots for town elections at the public expense," including the provisions of any and all acts amending the <br /> same. <br /> ART. .3. To determine the ,number and terms of the following named officers, viz :—Selectmen, Assessors, <br /> Constables, Collectors of Taxes, Auditors and School Committee. <br /> ART. 4. To determine the number and terms of any and all town officers now required bylaw to be chosen <br /> by ballot. <br /> ART. 5. To determine what town officers, if any, not now required by law to be chosen by'ballot, shall there- <br /> after be so chosen, and also the number and terms of such officers. <br /> ART. 6. To see if the town will-provide by by-law for the commencement, at seven o'clock, A. M., of meet- <br /> ings held for the election of town officers, or make any provision relating to the time of opening such meetings. <br /> ART. 7. To see if the town will amend the by-law which now requires the commencement of the annual <br /> 1 vwii=r eti at g�'elael ;=A: ,-ate: eau,;ah` oxrre vies ti e opemn 5t such meeting, oracf--fn any ---- <br /> manner relating thereto. <br /> ART. 8. To see if the town will adopt a by-law establishing or regulating the time of opening or closing the <br /> polls at meetings held for the election of town officers, or at the annual town meeting, or act in any manner relat- <br /> ing thereto. <br /> HEREOF FAIL NOT, and make due return of this .Warrant, with your doings thereon, to <br /> the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. <br /> Given.under our hands at Lexington, this twelfth day of February, A. D., 1891. <br /> WEBSTER SMITH, Selectmen <br /> RUFUS W. HOLBROOK, of <br /> GEO. E. MUZZEY, Lexington. <br /> A True Copy. Attest : <br /> Wm. B. FOSTER, Constable. of Lexington. <br /> W The Registrars of Voters will be in session to prepare the voting list for the foregoing meeting, at the Se- <br /> lectmen's Room, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of February, from 7 to io o'clock, P. M. <br />