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v <br /> A fa <br /> To the Citi.zexis of Lexington : <br /> The evolutiox, of the school building in the last <br /> forty years is a notabl e. indication. of genera] progress. <br /> They modern schoolhouse is more than, a cella.r, four walls ,a roof, <br /> a few. bee ches ,a blackboard and a big stove:. . It is much more elab- <br /> orate arid . cost12r. A community nay r;ot,a.s in old time s ,follow its <br /> own notions of construction but must comply with state laws cc ncern- <br /> o,g ver:tilati on :hea.ting., sari ita.r:r conve:n:iences , fire stops,etc . . <br /> Ever, the kind of laths for the ce.iliY,g and of flues for bleating <br /> axid ventilating is prescribed by the State Building Inspectors { <br /> Aepnrtrnent . They are wise regillatftens of course brit, comp- i.ance <br /> acid's to cost . Again,modern .artistic taste dema,ids some degree of <br /> architectural beauty acid a harmony of iiiiterior finish. This also <br /> requires skill that must be paid for. <br /> Your bui3dirtg Committee: agreed iri the deterr�iriat ton to pro- <br /> vide the best buildi:x g possible for the appropriation, to employ <br /> Lexir.gto�ri labor, r to l uy material of Lexington dealers whe7ie ver <br /> Oossible acid to� limit the cost to 627,000 . <br /> The second article of the specification reads : "Preference, <br /> will be given by the Ccnrt nit.tee to Lexington sub-coritra.ctors and <br /> labor acid xio si�bcontra.cts are to be awarded without the: e.l,,proval <br /> of the ror,unittee . <br /> hi all our d:isctissions as to expenditure the limit of the axle-- <br /> propriati oij was remembered ,rievertheless ,in carving out our desire <br /> for a first class building.and favorable loca,tion ,we were compelled <br /> to expend a little more money. The committee were beseiged at <br /> first by people here artcl elsewhere who had labor or Yliix, ,erial to <br /> sell . We could get, every thing neode d "From turret to fc� ;r dati car. <br /> store."but i_o one offered the once thing i,ecessa.ry at first,,a suit- <br /> able birild ing lot . Those who owr.ed eligible property,within the <br /> j nrescribed terri.torywoi4ld riot se] l or only at -a prohibitive price . <br /> 'The guest-ions"VThere are -you going to locate the new building? " <br /> "Have you secured a lot Bret?"bega.n to be erabarrassixjg. We hoped <br /> that. some public spirited c tizer: would donate the: 3ard or sell <br /> at a. nomirja.l price... We were cOmost discouraged, as time was getting <br /> shorn ai d were ready to call a special meeting to get authority to <br /> take; -arid by l e fail process when Mr.Heiiry W.Lewis , of the committee , <br /> brought the gr-a,tefO news that he had induced Mr.acid Mrs.R .J .Harr;s <br /> to favor the towli by selling a desirable lot . "If you do not at <br /> first succee,,d , tnr, tr r agai.rf`. was evidently the motto followed by <br /> Mr .Lewis . He succeeded ixi bivrixig where others had failed . <br /> Mr.Wil ]a.rd O .Rrown,Architect ,of Lexi.iigton was among those who <br /> had submitted desi.g2is arjd Mr.Brown's plans,after some medifica.tions, <br /> were accepted . He ,tried to please the town in his careful and core <br /> tixtuous supervision of the work and his efforts were satisfactory <br /> jj to a.l l concerried . The wisdom of appointing Mr.Fraricis W-Deax, a <br /> menber of the building committee was obvious at this tirie as his <br /> ]uiowl edge of contractors., the building trade and material was of <br /> advantage to the t ovni <br /> j Mr.E.W.Pitman,of Lawrerice,11rass .was the lowest bidder ard ,as <br /> investi.gat_lon proved his respoxisibil it<< and his ability to do <br /> V-1a work irj the short time al l owed ,your committee signed a con-, <br /> tract with. him June 2,I904, for �I7,290 . <br />