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Sold by C. K. DARLING, Law Stationer, [JUSTICES TRUSTEE WRIT.] <br /> Exchange Stret,Boston. <br /> Commonwralth of <br /> SS. To the Sheri of;Nr sev at Co u t' , or tY�ir Deputi or <br /> any Constable of any City or Town ' <br /> ! 11 <br /> /\ <br /> GREETING <br /> In 9-le name of the Commonwealth of Massachuset s, you are required to attach the Goo s or Estate of <br /> to the value of Dollars, and summon the said —' <br /> if he may be fouled in your precinct, that he appear <br /> me � <br /> before , Esquire, one .of the Jus ice of the Peace for the <br /> � <br /> County aforesaid, at my office, in in said County on <br /> the y/� day of ��at of the clock in <br /> the .noon, then and there to answer to <br /> 1 <br /> To the damage of the said Plaintiff as ( he say 5 ) the sum of '�" Dollars, as <br /> shall then and there be made to appear with other due damages. And hereas, the said Plaintiff <br /> say S the said Defendant lea jnot in /� own hands and possession, Goods or estate to the value <br /> Of - Dollars aforesaid, which cal be come at to be <br /> atta hed�ia 5 entrusted to and deposited in the hand, p sand possession of d�. <br /> Trustee of the said Defendant Goods, Effects an Creqiks, to the said value rWE COMMAND you <br /> therefore, that you summon the said Trustee (if fen may be ind in your precinct,) to appear <br /> before me the said Justice as aforesaid, to show cause, if any Nye liaA-cwhy execution to be issued <br /> upon such Judgment as the said Plaintiff may recover,against the said Defendant in this action, <br /> (if any,) should not issue against Goods, Effects and Credits, in the hands and possession of <br /> the said Trustee <br /> Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Writ and of your doings therein, unto myself, on <br /> or before the said hour and day, of Trial. <br /> Dated at � aforesaidR <br /> n the <br /> day <br /> of i yeas of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and <br /> J <br /> Justice of the Peace. <br /> `/T�yifitc.�lu�J <br /> (K� � <br />