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BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 4, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, February 4, <br />1980 in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. <br />William L. Cosgrove, Chairman; Mr. James W. Lambie, Dr. Michael S. Erdos and <br />Mr. George A. Smith, Director of Public Health. <br />Mr. Smith reported he had some trouble with the Housing Authority in <br />SCATTERED regard to a house on North Street under the scattered site housing. The H.L. <br />SITE HOUSING Hewitt Co. is the builder for the Housing Authority. They had been bringing <br />NORTH STREET in fill and then brought in ledge. Mr. Smith made them take the ledge out <br />so the house is temporarily at a standstill. <br />SMOSKE'S <br />ANIMAL <br />PERMIT <br />Mr. Smith said he had approved the plan and then HUD made some changes. <br />Since that time, Mr. Smith has approved their plan but the building .is still <br />at a stand still while they work on two other houses. <br />One of the Board members asked what kind of drainage do you get from <br />bedrock? Excellent, but a leaching area is needed, Mr. Smith said. <br />The house on North Street is a 3 (small) bedroom house without a cellar <br />so Mr. Smith is concerned about a leaching area. <br />At 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Joanne Smoske of 39 Robinson Road came into the Board <br />Meeting with her Attorney, Howard Reynolds. <br />Mr. Reynolds stated that he felt that it was an ideal place to have horses <br />and that they have a stable and corral and ten acres of conservation abutting <br />the Smoske's property. He said there are facilities for storage of grain and <br />dumpsters for the manure. <br />Mr. Reynolds stated that cards were sent out to the abuttors and three <br />did not object and only one abuttor did object. <br />Also, attending this meeting, although not necessarily to speak, were: <br />Ruth and Ezra Dunton, of 35 Robinson Road, Marjorie Weerts of 1906 Mass. Ave. <br />Mr. Ed. Comerford and daughter, Lynn, of 53 Liberty Ave. (owner of the jumper <br />horse that kept escaping from the corral) and Mrs. Smoske's son. <br />A letter was submitted by Mr. Reynolds from the Johansen's of 10 Demar <br />Road stating they no longer objected to the horses at 39 Robinson Road. <br />Dr. Cosgrove asked about the Freiers - were they in favor of re -instating <br />the animal permit. The answer was "no". <br />Dr. Cosgrove said, "I have been familiar with this problem for seven <br />years. The place has been a mess, fences were down, horses running on other <br />people's property, etc. I have been hearing complaints about the Smoske's <br />horses and the problems they were involved with, the numberous complaints we <br />have received over the past several years from the residents in the area. <br />I went out there one time with a past health officer and we found if you only <br />leaned on the fence it would topple over. How would that ever keep a horse <br />in the corral?" <br />Like most people the Smoske's didn't take the initiative to keep the <br />place clean, fences repaired etc. The kids are told to keep the stalls clean <br />and it never gets done. <br />