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COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. <br /> To the ,Selechnen of the Imn of <br /> e i r�ii in <br /> Middlesex District : Greeting <br /> WHEREAS the Constitution of the United States <br /> provides, that when vacancies in Congress happen in the Representation <br /> from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Elec- <br /> tion to -fill such vacancies <br /> THESE ai-e in the name of the Commonwealth, to <br /> will and require you, in manner as the Law directs for calling Town <br /> Mpetiugs, to cause the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of <br /> yf >'e/l G'4- duly qualified to vote for Representatives to <br /> the General leourt of this Commonwealth, to assemble on MONDAY, the <br /> twenty-third clay of May instant, to give in their votes to the Selectmen, <br /> who shall preside at said Meeting,for one Representative,that is an inhabi- <br /> tant of the said. District, to represent them in the Congress of the United <br /> States of America, in the room of the Hon. WILLIAM M. RICHARDSON, <br /> Who has resigned his seat as a Representative. And you,the said Selectmen, <br /> or a major part of you, shall,in open Town-Meeting,sort and count the votes, <br /> and form a list of the persons voted for, with the number of votes for each <br /> person set against his name; and shall make a public declaration in Town- <br /> Meeting, of the names of the persons voted for, and of the number of votes <br /> they respectively have ; and shall,in open Fown-Meeting, seal up the said <br /> list, certified by you,and transmit the same, within twelve days next after <br /> such meeting, to the Secretary of this Commonwealth, or to the Sheriff of <br /> the County in which the said Town lies,Who is hereby directed to trans- <br /> mit the same to the Secretary aforesaid, on or before the eighth day of June <br /> next. <br /> Given at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, in BosroN, this 5th.. day o-P May, <br /> Anno Ilomini one thousand eight hundred and fourteen,'and in the <br /> 3Sth year Of the INDEPENDENCE Of the UNITED STATES Of A?,iEP.ICA. <br /> BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, <br /> �� i� �Secre_`y of the Commonwealth, <br />