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Commonwealth of Ma achufetts. <br /> 910 the Sheri df Our County of IIIA l 121. <br /> +� or his Deput' Greeting. <br /> HE E A S E%�� <br /> By7th Confid ation of Out Juftices of Our Supreme Judicial Court, holden <br /> at �Cl�! within an o r County of <br /> on the x�, <br /> VffriC.:i _ <br /> T/e�fdo'f -, �g� rec vered Judgment againft. <br /> .. � for the Sum o �iu <br /> lawful Money, Damage, an <br /> �O /tJ /� Cofts of Suit,as to Us appears o£R�cord,where xecution remains to be done <br /> WE ommand you therefore, That_ the Goods Chattels or Lands of the <br /> faid i �� f��: vi� , rd Hsu may`M,�/. <br /> ��ie n our100 <br /> Preen , you caufe_to be paid and fatisfied unto the faid �c�crr�� <br /> at the Value thereof in Money, the <br /> afor ai Sums, be'g Pounds <br /> drilling" an ,Pyri Pence, in the Whole, <br /> th OTZPi Shillin, �`� C� -- more for this Writ, <br /> and t ereof alfo to fatisfy you le fo Xur o v Fees <br /> And or Want of Goods, Chattel or�Lands of the faid 111/�t <br /> � gl�v to be by �`lliyc� unt T��or f d within y r <br /> Precin&, o the Acceptance of the faid '� �� <br /> to tisf the Sums afofaid, V1Te c mand y to take the Eody of the faid <br /> G` j �ri/n %ism <br /> and coit unto <br /> P��/y Our Gao � 1 . ,��� �" - <br /> in Our%'County of ���/G��1� r - aforefaid, and detain in your <br /> Cuftody, within Out• faid Gv-,I; until-IheUpay the full Sur}is above-meptioned <br /> with your Fees that�heybe difcharged by the faid,/Jh l � �t <br /> the Creditor^r otherwife by Order of Law. <br /> // e 3f fail n and make� Return of this Writ with ur Doin therein 0 > � g : <br /> into Our faid Supreme Judicial Court, to be holden at - <br /> within and for Our County of on the <br /> Tuefday of next. <br /> Witnefs,4FACIS DANA, Efquire, at Bylon, the/G�'��t, �h <br /> Day of , in the Year of our LORD 179,1. <br /> - /"/ � <br />