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Minutes of the <br />Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting <br />March 2, 2023 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />Location and Time: Remote Meeting; 8:00 A.M. <br />Members Present (remote participation): Charles Lamb, Chair; David Kanter, Vice−Chair <br />& Clerk; Sandy Beebee; Mike Boudett; Rod Cole; & Lisah Rhodes <br />Members Absent: None <br />Others Present: Mark Sandeen, Select Board Member; Glenn Parker, Chair, Lexington <br />Appropriation Committee <br />Documents Presented: <br />• Notice of Public Meeting/Agenda CEC Meeting, March 2, 2023 <br />• Current Draft of the Committee’s Report to the 2023 Annual Town Meeting (Report) <br />Call to Order <br />Mr. Lamb called this Remote (Virtual) Meeting, which had been posted as such, to order at <br />8:00 A.M. As the Committee members and the others joining this meeting had been previously <br />advised of the special conditions of this meeting, he passed on repeating them (i.e., the <br />authority to not require a physical presence of a quorum and other selected terms under the <br />Open Meeting Law had, by legislation Governor Charles D. Baker signed on July 16, 2022, <br />their expiration extended to March 31, 2023.) <br />Mr. Lamb advised that materials provided electronically to the Committee or presented at the <br />meeting, would be available upon request and are those listed in the Minutes as Documents <br />Presented. Any votes during this meeting would be taken by a roll call. By individual <br />conversations to them, Mr. Lamb had accomplished a roll-call attendance and determined <br />that all 6 members are present. <br />Preparation of Committee’s Report to the 2023 Annual Town Meeting <br />• Mr. Sandeen presented his previously-prepared presentation to address this <br />Committee’s interest in the full-financial options for the Solar Canopy and, critical, the <br />capabilities associated with various levels of storage batteries and recharging stations <br />contemplated to be providing resilience to the new Police Station. Following the <br />questions & answers, this Committee unanimously endorsed the highest−practical <br />storage as it offers the substantially lower net-electricity costs, and sufficient Level-3 <br />recharging capability to fulfill the needs of the Police Department electric vehicles. <br />• Mr. Lamb addressed the Articles & Subarticles in the latest draft report which had not <br />yet gained established Committee positions, That was accomplished except for <br />Articles/Subarticles that were still awaiting formal information from the Finance <br />Department. <br />• Committee discussed remaining inputs to the Report and development of its 5-Year <br />Capital Plan. It was agreed for each to complete their inputs to Mr. Kanter by this <br />weekend; goal is fundamentally final draft to be discussed at the March 7th meeting. <br />Adjourn <br />A Motion was Moved and Seconded at 9:15 A.M. to adjourn. Roll-Call Vote: 6–0 <br />This Minutes was approved by the CEC at its meeting on August 2, 2023.