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vi A R R A N 'T i' O R o T A T E PRIMARY, <br /> TEE < `a':.LT1i OF J'u;.A,S6AORU SETTS . <br /> OJa�.�:ci.uit:: �.. <br /> tiddlesex, se . <br /> To either of the uonstables of the Town of Lexington, Greeting <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to <br /> notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified <br /> to vote in Primaries to meet in Town Hall, Lexington, on <br /> TUESDAY', THE i4VENTZZ-FOUR TY EAfUi' u.".ii TEmB R, 1918 , <br /> at 2 30 o' clock P . for the following purposes : <br /> To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the <br /> Nomination of Candidates of Political Parties for the following <br /> offices : <br /> GO\T;RNUR For this uommonwealth <br /> LIEUTENANT Gu/ERNOR For this Commonwealth, <br /> R,_,_.; <br /> 'SECRETARY OF FAL Utu++lvi0Iv r.,1-ii,'lri For this Commonwealth <br /> TREASCR~;R ARD REuE'IJwR uENLRAL For this Commonwealth. <br /> :.*EDITOR JP THE I:UL'L:v.JN;;; AL'Tii For this Commonwealth. <br /> ATTORNEY-GENERAL For this Commonwealth. <br /> U. S. diIi,LiTOR3 IN Uui\GFWUS For this Commonwealth. <br /> O'uNGEE0Si.'1;N For Stn Congressional District <br /> COUNuILLOR For 6th 'Councillor District <br /> JL ATJR For 5th Senatorial District <br /> ONE R PRESE1iTA'Llv2 iN GENERAL uuURT for 28th Representative District <br /> OoUUTY Uui&ISS;_ulaa For Middlesex Obunty <br /> COUNTY TREASURER For Middlesex County <br /> REGISTER J 1-R✓ii.iTE ARD £1NS0L1E1 UY for Middlesex County. <br /> And for the Election of the following officers <br /> .U=UTisUT .viEmB.R OF Dish:. UUIQLMTTLE for each political party. . . <br /> For 5th senatorial District <br /> L'Li:u'• BL,i.Li3 VF THE,JEsuCRA jU £u•iT1. ut.'vHIL'T'1.:.E <br /> 1Vl.lili''UJERC OF ME REFUBLIOAN TU' jV JULMiTTiiE <br /> ).iFLlBERb Vt�P ThL buelaLIST T'uth uU'LiMITTEE <br /> +". <br /> D .JI.SATLS To STATE LUTVVANiiiUiti U.l' THE BLMuuVTAiLIu PARTY <br /> JELyvxT E7T J STATE <br /> CU1`uViiiv'1'.lViV 02 ThL REPUBLICAN PARTY <br /> DELEGATES TJ .STATE UJIV-NT LU1tHcL, : tVsiTi7i <br /> TARTY. <br /> All the above candidates and officers are to ce voted for upon <br /> one Ballot. <br /> The polls will open from 2 30 to 8 00 P . A. <br /> And you are directed to serve this warrant cy postingkg-tta <br /> copies thereof seven days at least before the time of said meeting <br /> as directed by vote of the �town. <br /> Hereof fail not and makeAreturn of this warrant with your <br /> doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting. <br /> Given under our hands this lith day of Ueptember, A.D. 1918 . <br /> if <br /> UtjaciPS;PLE <br /> I:EG L'UN . <br />