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WARRANT FOR STATE ELECTION <br /> Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. <br /> To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, <br /> Greeting: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and <br /> warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections to meet in <br /> their respective voting places in said Town. <br /> PRECINCT ONE, HARRINGTON SCHOOL; PRECINCT TWO, ADAMS SCHOOL; PRECINCT THREE, CARY <br /> MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT FOUR, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL; PRECINCT FIVE, CENTRAL FIRE STATION; <br /> PRECINCT SIX, MARIA HASTINGS SCHOOL. <br /> PARTIAL BALLOT VOTING FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS ONLY WILL BE HELD IN THE CARY MEMORIAL <br /> BUILDING. <br /> GO <br /> TUESDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1972 <br /> at 7:00 o'clock A.M. , to cast their ballots for the following officers: <br /> ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT <br /> SENATOR IN CONGRESS For this Commonwealth <br /> REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS For 5th Congressional District ---- <br /> COUNCILLOR For 6th Councillor District LExNC OrH '"- - <br /> SENATOR For 7th Middlrssex'Senatori.ul District <br /> REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT For 7th Middlesex Representative District <br /> (Precinct I ) <br /> REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT For 24th Middlesex Representative District <br /> (Precincts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) <br /> REGISTER OF PROBATE AND INSOLVENCY For Middlesex County <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONER (2) For Middlesex County <br /> COUNTY TREASURER For Middlesex County <br /> And to take action on the following questions: <br /> QUESTION NO. I <br /> PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION <br /> Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution <br /> summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in a joint session <br /> of the two branches held June 18, 1969, received 221 votes in the affirmative <br /> and 22 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held Yes <br /> May 12, 1971 , received 238 votes in the affirmative and 14 in the negative? No <br /> SUMMARY <br /> The proposed amendment would authorize the Legislature to enact a law <br /> that agricultural and horticultural lands shall be valued, for taxation pur- <br /> poses, according to their agricultural or horticultural uses. No parcel of <br /> land less than five acres which has not been actively devoted to such uses <br /> for two years preceding the tax year could be valued at less than fair market <br /> value. <br />