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<br /> TOWN WARRANT <br /> <br /> <br /> Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. <br /> <br /> To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, <br /> Greeting: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of <br /> the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet in the Cary Memorial <br /> Building, in said Lexington, on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1946 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. then and there <br /> to act on the following articles: <br /> Article 1. To receive the reports of any Board of funds for adjustments of salaries to hourly employees in <br /> Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to the Public Works and Cemetery Departments, by a trans- <br /> appoint other Committees. fer from the Excess and Deficiency Account, or act in any <br /> other manner in relation thereto. <br /> Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- <br /> ate a sum of money for Old Age Assistance—Aid and Ex- Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to rescind <br /> penses, for the balance of the year 1946, and to provide the vote on Article 65, passed at the Adjourned Town <br /> for same by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Meeting held April 1, 1946. <br /> Account, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> Article 13. To see if the Town will authorize the <br /> Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize Moderatos' to appoint a committee of five to proceed with <br /> the Selectmen to purchase the so-called Leary property at the erection of an enlarged and improved Cary Memorial <br /> 1519 Massachusetts Avenue, and to provide for the pay- Library Building according to plans submitted by the said <br /> ment therefor by a transfer from the Excess and Defi- Trustees and recommended by them by completing said <br /> ciency Account, or act in any other manner in relation plans and specifications and letting contracts, and pro- <br /> thereto. vide for the payment therefor by issue of bonds or notes <br /> of the Town, by direct appropriation, by transfer from <br /> Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- available funds, or act in any other manner in relation <br /> ate money to pay any unpaid bills for prior years of the thereto. <br /> various departments, and to provide for the payment of <br /> same by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Ac- Article 14. To see if the Town will authorize the <br /> count, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to expend an Article To Town will vote to accept ad- <br /> ditional sum of $5,000. for repairs and improvements to <br /> Section 8l 5 5. To seeer if 32 the the GeneralnwLaws of accept the East Lexington Branch Library and to provide for <br /> Chapter the payment of same by a transfer from the Excess and <br /> chusetts relating to the retirement of certain members of Deficiency Account, or act in any other manner in rela- <br /> the Police and Fire Departments, and to provide for pay- tion thereto. <br /> ment therefor by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency <br /> Account, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the <br /> Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to expend the sum <br /> Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to appro- of $1,000. for the installation of a new oil burner and cir- <br /> priate an additional sum of money to defray the expense culatory system at the East Lexington Branch Library <br /> of obtaining preliminary plans and an estimate of the cost and to provide for the payment of same by a transfer <br /> of construction of the proposed new high school and to from the Excess and Deficiency Account, or act in any <br /> provide for payment therefor by a transfer from the Ex- other manner in relation thereto. <br /> cess and Deficiency Account, or act in any other manner <br /> in relation thereto. Article 16. To see if the Town will make an appro- <br /> Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to appro- priation for Town Expenses for the period of October 7, <br /> 1946 to December 31, 1946 by a transfer from available <br /> priate a sum of money to provide salary adjustments for <br /> employees of the School Department and to funds or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> p provide for <br /> same by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Ac- Article 17. To see if the Town will make an appro- <br /> count, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. priation for Water Services and Water Construction and <br /> Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to authorize to provide far payment of same by a transfer from avail- <br /> the transfer of funds from the School Department Ex- <br /> able funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> penses Account to the School Department Personal Ser- Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br /> vices Account, or act in any other manner in relation the Board of Selectmen to sub-divide that portion of the <br /> thereto. so-called Poor Farm Tract, now owned by the Town of <br /> Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize Lexington, fronting on Cedar Street and Hill Street, into <br /> lots of approximately 12,500 feet each in area and to sell <br /> the Selectmen to sell and convey a 10' strip of land on <br /> Bedford Street,being a part of the Public.Works property, same in their Lexingtondiscretion veterans the time World War II whon <br /> running to a depth of approximately 168' upon such terms were hre armedes of service, a price of$300.00 of theirlot,inor act <br /> and conditions as they may approve, or act in any other into the nat a per or act <br /> manner in relation thereto. <br /> in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> Article 19. To see if the Town will determine the lo- <br /> Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br /> cation of a new Elementary School building to replace the <br /> the Selectmen to purchase, or enter into an agreement to present Hancock School, and will authorize the moderator <br /> purchase, a strip of land containing an area of 440 square to appoint a committee of seven to obtain preliminary <br /> feet beginning at a point on Massachusetts Avenue at the plans and estimates for the construction of such building <br /> intersection of the Follen Church property and the en- and to report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting, <br /> trance to the Adams School, extending back a distance of androvide for the payment therefor bydirect a p <br /> ria- <br /> 161.30 feet with a width of 51/2 feet at the farthest point, tion,by transfer from available funds, r act in any other <br /> and to provide for payment of same by a transfer from the manner relating thereto. <br /> Excess and Deficiency Account,or act in any other manner <br /> in relation thereto. Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br /> the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to take whatever <br /> Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to appro- legal proceedings may be necessary in order to vest the <br /> priate a sum of money to provide a salary adjustment of Town with an absolute fee in and to about three acres of <br /> 121/2% with a maximum not to exceed $25.00 per month, land comprising the north corner of the Aldrich property, <br /> , for the period from September 6, 1946 through December so-called, located in the southerly corner of the inter e- <br /> 31, 1946, for all regular full and part time salaried em- tion of Park Drive and Lincoln Street, or act in any other <br /> ployees, excluding the School Department, and to provide manner in relation thereto. <br /> And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as <br /> provided in the By-laws of the Town. <br /> Hereof fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, <br /> on or before the time of said meeting. <br /> Given under our hands at Lexington, this ninth day of September, A..D., 1946. <br /> _ WILLIAM G. POTTER <br /> - A true copy, Attest: A. EDWARD ROWSE SELECTMEN <br /> John C. Russell, ERROL H. LOCKE - OF <br /> Constable of Lexington. GEORGE W. SARANO <br /> WILLIAM C. PAXTONLEXINGTON <br /> , <br />