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MINITITES OF TWE '.YE 'TING OF VTR APPROPRIAT'nN C0MT ITTEF <br /> HELY) AT T'E T y:TT ,^,-TCF B--T7)- TG, <br /> FRIDAY <br /> EVENING, December 28, 1945. <br /> The meeting was opened in the office of the Town <br /> Accountant at 7:30 P.TF. , by Chairman Lew's L. uoyt, with the <br /> followin-, members in attendance : <br /> Leat' s L. Hoyt, Chairman <br /> Ronald D. Brown Fred C. Newhall <br /> J. Milton Brown Jasper A. Lane <br /> George Y. Hynes Raymond L. White, <br /> Town Accountant <br /> This Committee immediately -ent downstairs to sit <br /> in with the Board of Selectmen relative to the two type- <br /> writers purchased by the Assessors ' Departent. Mr. Hoyt <br /> admitted that Yr. Spencer did wrong in purchasing the type- <br /> writers previous to getting approval from the Board of <br /> Sele ctmen, ,but he felt that as long as the money was <br /> available in the Reserve Fund, this transfer should be <br /> approved because if the machines were sent back, there would <br /> be a considerable delay. The Selectmen agreed with Chairman <br /> Hoyt on this matter. <br /> Errol Locke, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, <br /> spoke and said that the Board of Selectmen were asking, for <br /> 15,000.00 under Article `'ne of the Town "'arrant, but that <br /> the Appropriation Committee was recommending the sum of <br /> 3,000.00. Yr. Hoyt said that was' correct, but his <br /> Committee would go along on the ?5,000.00; because if the <br /> money was not expended before December 31, 1945, it would <br /> :go back into the Excess and Deficiency Account. <br /> The Appropriation Committee left the Board of <br /> Selectmen' s meeting at 7:50 P.M. , at which time they im- <br /> mediately proceeded to attend the Town Meeting. <br /> After the Torn Meet' ng, the Appropriation Committee <br /> reconvened in the Torn Accountant' s office at 8:20 P.M. <br /> Ronald D. Brown spoke about one paragraph in the <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of December 17, 1945. This Paragraph <br /> pertains to the School Department - Personal Services Budget <br /> of :225, 125.21 aga' nst $200,333.57 for last year. Yr. Brown <br /> says this is not entirely correct, for the sum of ' 7,245.45 <br />