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576 c,r4 <br /> TOWN 7-ARRANT <br /> Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, <br /> To the Constable of the Town of Lexington, in said <br /> County, <br /> a-eet11,7: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are <br /> directed to notify the inhabitants of the Torn of Lexington, <br /> oualifi ed to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meet in <br /> their respective voting places in said Town, <br /> PRECINCT ONE, ADJIS SCHOOL; PRECITOT- T70, THREE, AND FOUR, <br /> CA 7f 11E:10IAL BUILDI-P,-7, on MONDAY, the '21-1IRD DAY OF MARCH, A. D. <br /> 1941, at 6 o'clock A. :1., then and there to act on the following <br /> articles: <br /> Article 1. To choose by ballot the followin_7 town officers; <br /> One Town Clerk for the term of one year: <br /> Two Selectmen for the ter-, of three `'e2.Y's ® <br /> One Torn Treasurer for the term of one year; <br /> One Collector of Taxes for the term of one :fear; <br /> Ore Ceo-etery Commissioner for the term of three years ; <br /> Ore Member of the School Committee for the tern of three years;- <br /> One Moderator for the cern of one year: <br /> Two ',embers of the Panning: Board for the tern of three :ears ; <br /> Two Constables for the term of ore year; <br /> Seventeen Town Lieetino Members in each Precinct for the term of three <br /> Years : <br /> - <br /> One Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for a term of one year; <br /> One Tow- ::eeti;rg 1,-,ember in Precinct Two for a term of one year; <br /> Two Town Meetinc ::embers in Precinct Two for a ter--fi of two years; <br /> One Town Meeting Member in Precinct Three for a tern of two years; <br /> Two TO-71 Meeting Members in Precinct Four for a term of two years; <br /> The polls will he open at 6:00 A. IT, and n'; 11 remain open until <br /> 8:00 Pe H. <br /> You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid GO meet in <br /> Cary Me=rial Fall in said Town on Monday, the ttirty-first day of <br /> March, 1941 at 8:00 P. M. at which time and place the following <br /> articles are to be acted upon and determined e7clusivel: by the <br /> Town Meet'rp, Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts <br /> of 1929 and subject to the referendum provided for by section <br /> eight of said chapter. <br /> Article 2. To receive the reports of any Board of Town Officers <br /> or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Conittees . <br /> Article 3. To see if the Town mill vote to authorize the <br /> Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow r,sney <br /> from time to tine in anticipation of the revenue of the financial 1 <br /> year beginning T--nue7- 7 1942 end to issue a note or notes <br /> P"herefc-, Payble within one year and to renew any note or rotes <br /> as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance <br /> with Section 17, Chapter 44, 2reneral Laws® <br /> Article 4® To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town <br /> Treasurer, with the approvaof the Selectors-, to refund any or all <br /> of the revenue notes issued in anticipation of the revenue of the <br /> Year -94- in accordance ith the provisions or. Section "77 Chapter <br /> 44, OTeneral Laws; any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue <br /> of the year 1941 . <br /> Article 5. To see if the Town mill -lake the usual appropria- <br /> tions for Town expenses for the ensung year, by direct appropria- <br /> tion, by transfer from available funds, op by a combination of the <br /> two methods, or act In any manner in relation thsreto. <br /> Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to transfer unexpended <br /> appropriation balances In any of the Accounts to the Excess and De- <br /> ficiency Account, to the --later Departnent Available Surplus Account, <br /> or act in any manner in relation thereto, <br />