HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-19 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:30 p.m. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 7:35 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Offices Building Commissioners present: Stew Kennedy, Joyce Miller, Duke Bitsko, Jane Warren, and David Langseth (arrived 7:41 pm) Commissioners absent: Phil Hamilton, Dick Wolk Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator; Emily Schadler, Conservation Stewardship Coordinator 7:35 pm Continued Hearing – Community Garden Policies and Fees, Conservation Commission Documentation: Lexington Community Gardens Policy Draft, June 14, 2012 Ms. Schadler presented the changes in the community garden policies draft since the last meeting. Motion made and seconded to adopt the Community Garden Policies as presented, 4-0 in favor. 7:40 pm Continued Hearing – Katahdin Woods Land Management: Conestoga Road trailhead and trail connection, Lexington Conservation Stewards Present for the applicant: Jay Sklar, Lexington Conservation Stewards Directors Mr. Sklar summarized the site visit that recently took place to look at entryways into conservation land off of Conestoga Road. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Langseth would like in the future to see demarcation of public access at both entrances off of Conestoga Road. Mr. Bitsko commented that Lexington has many accesses to conservation land from small private cul-de-sacs such as this that work very well. Ms. Miller commented that conservation land provides a benefit to neighbors and that conservation land is open to everyone. Vincent Graceffa, resident of Conestoga Road, commented that he is concerned about increased traffic of cars and people due to the trail. Steve Kline of 9 Conestoga Road commented that he is concerned about people entering during the night and expressed his opposition to the project. Jacqueline Kline of 9 Conestoga Road commented that she would like to see the trail be installed elsewhere, such as on Wood Street. Motion made and seconded to approve this land management proposal, 5-0 in favor. 8:01 pm Meeting – RDA, 3 Rolfe Road, R. Doyle DET 12-13 Documentation: RDA application Present for the applicant: Rebecca Doyle Ms. Doyle described a proposal to landscape the front yard of her single family home by removing 4-6 inches of soil, replacing it with new soil, and replanting desirable native species. She would also like to make a change to the shape of the patio area and change the surface from crushed stone to pervious pavers. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Warren commented that she would like to see a native holly replace the non-native holly on the planting plan. Mr. Langseth noted that the Commission should not include a formal approval of the informal wetland line shown on the plan in their vote. He also asked if the applicant would be willing to moving the shed out of the wetland area. Mr. Bitsko asked about the path going to the wetland. . Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with conditions, 5-0 in favor. 8:15 pm Hearing – Amend Order of Conditions 2013 & 2027 Massachuestts Ave., 201-837, BL 795 Inn at Hastings Park, Applicant/Owner: Trisha Perez Kennealy, AB Holdings, LLC Modify Worthen Rd driveway and footprint of existing building for accessibility Documentation: Amend Order of Conditions application Comments from Kim Woodard – 6/19/12 Present for the applicant: Tricia Perez-Kennealy, owner, and Zoltan Juhasz, Uniterra Consulting Mr. Juhasz explained a proposal to amend the order of conditions for 2013 & 2027 Massachusetts Avenue due to minor changes made during permitting with other boards in the town. He summarized the items that were added to the plan since the last discussion with the Commission. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Langseth asked for clarification about the amount of driveway to be added and the catch basin at the end of the driveway. Ms. Warren asked about the use of non-native plantings. Jim Williams, Stratham Road, asked if parking spaces had been lost due to the driveway changes. Kim Woodard, 2030 Massachusetts Avenue, asked for clarification about impervious surface addition and read written comments that she provided regarding impervious cover and stream quality. Mr. Langseth and Mr. Bitsko responded to Ms. Woodard’s comments. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 5-0 in favor. 8:47 pm Continued Hearing – NOI, 94 Hartwell Ave, Ashok Patel, Hartwell Hospitality, LLC DEP 201-859, BL 817 Construct an outside patio Present for the applicant: Jack Sullivan, Sullivan Engineering Group Mr. Sullivan summarized changes since the last discussion with the Commission. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Kennedy asked about how the tree roots will be protected with the proposed footprint of excavation. Ms. Miller asked for clarification of the plan. Ms. Mullins asked for square footage of bordering land subject to flooding. Ms. Miller commented that the Commission should not approve the wetland lines shown on the plan. Mr. Bitsko requested plantings in the 25 foot buffer to the pond between the building and the drainage basin. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing 5-0 in favor. 9:07 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, Banks Avenue, Applicant: Keith Dorrington 201-858, BL 816 Owner: Meg Intervivos Irrecovable Trust Construction of new single family dwelling Motion made and seconded continue the hearing at the request of the applicant until July 24, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. 9:08 pm Pending Matters Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions for 63 Ledgelawn Avenue, 5-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 138 Laconia St/504 Lowell St, 5-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 17 Bryant Rd, 5-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to approve June 5, 2012 minutes, 5-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to amend the Order of Conditions for 2013 and 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, 5-0 in favor. Ms. Schadler reported that the Local Lexington guide received funding and so will be produced this fall. She also reported that the summer conservation interns started last week. Ms. Schadler updated the Commission on progress on the plan for the Hennessey Field barn. Mr. Kennedy reported that the long boardwalk through Paint Mine has been completed and that the whole project is over halfway finished at this point. Ms. Warren asked the Commission if it would be appropriate for her to add her designation as a member of the Conservation Commission to her tagline on articles that she writes for local media. Ms. Miller reported that a resident requested the removal of rocks in Reeds Brook on an armored bank. Ms. Miller commented on conservation land demarcation for projects that abut conservation land. 9:20 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 5-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Emily Schadler Conservation Stewardship Coordinator