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2 <br />7. Update on the Lexington School Transportation and Safety (STS)study group: In March of <br />2012, the STS conducted a survey of parents regarding their children's use of the school <br />bus. The primary goal was to gather opinions of potential improvements and proposed <br />changes to the bus program. One third of public school parents took the survey. All in all, <br />parents approved of the proposed changes. Regarding staggered dismissal (having walkers <br />and busers leave at 3:15, with children who are picked up in cars leaving later), 60% <br />approved. To implement this policy, the schools would have to have standard arrival and <br />dismissal times. Jill Hai suggested that Estabrook be used as a pilot for this. Ms. Crocker <br />responded that we do not need a pilot school; each school just needs to follow the rules. It <br />was noted that this policy would need to be condoned and clearly stated by school <br />administration. In terms of bus registration, Elaine Cell noted that global connect and a <br />mailing to all LPS families will be used to register students. Further discussion was had <br />regarding the use of school buses and Lexpress to potentially meet the needs of middle <br />school students in the afternoon. <br />8. Town Meeting Articles: The vote on Article 4, which addresses funds for Estabrook <br />busing, was to take place April 2, with the vote on Article 17 on either April 5 or April 9. <br />Article 17 addresses the school bus subsidy for all Lexington students. The subsidy would <br />defray some of the cost of the parent fees. A three -child cap would continue to be in place. <br />Per the March 2012 survey discussed above, 85% of respondents noted that they would <br />take the bus if the price were $300 or less, while 80% approved of neighborhood bus stops. <br />It was noted that there has been no discussion of "walking zone" (area where the bus <br />would not be available - children would be expected to walk to school) as part of this <br />policy. <br />9. Correspondence log on sidewalk issues: Francine Stieglitz noted that middle school <br />students have sent letters to the SWC as part of a school civics project regarding the need <br />for social change. Richard Adams of the West Lexington Green way will attend next <br />month's SWC meeting. Ms. Stieglitz has emailed the Pleasant Street residents interested <br />in a sidewalk to connect them with Mr. Afshartous. <br />10. New business: The League of Women Voters is holding a Transportation Forum on April <br />13. The Common Carbon Challenge C3 will have a brainstorming session on April 3. <br />Mark Valenti noted that he has put a preliminary request to the Conservation Commission <br />regarding erosion control on the pathway between Worthen and Middleby. Jill Hai noted <br />that Bridge should be informed when construction starts. Mr. Valenti noted that DPW will <br />be working on the following areas in the Spring: Pleasant Street /Mass Ave rotary, <br />crosswalk at Taft Avenue /Bow Street, Bloomfield and Mass Ave. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM. The next meeting will take place at 9 AM on May 7, <br />2012, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 9 AM. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Bettina Mc Gims ey <br />