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37 <br /> 2. Maintenance of highways , parks, and other Town facilities shall <br /> be on a minimum basis, the preservation of the present conditions <br /> being the only obligation. <br /> 3. Every Town Department and official or employee shall use the <br /> utmost ingenuity in the accomplishment of his or her task at the <br /> lowest possible cost, with the conservation of equipment, time and <br /> materials carefully guarded to the smallest item. <br /> 4. The careful scrutiny of all expenditures shall be incumbent <br /> upon all, to the end that appropriations may be conserved with un- <br /> spent funds showing at the end of the year. <br /> 5 . The calling of Town Meetings, other than the annual meeting, <br /> shall be discouraged unless deemed absolutely essential by the two <br /> Boards . <br /> 6. To the end that funds may be available for real emergencies, or <br /> for the stabilization of the tax rate, transfers from Reserves <br /> (Excess & Deficiency Account) shall be carefully scrutinized and <br /> denied except on these grounds, or for valid reasons . <br /> 7. The raising offmds by bonds or notes of the Town, excepting <br /> notes issued in anticipation of taxes, shall be denied to the end <br /> that our debt situation may be strong at the close of the war. <br /> February, 1942, <br /> Carried Unanimously 11:05 P.M. <br /> Article 35, VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to acquire by <br /> purchase an easement for surface drainage, drains and <br /> drainage rights adjoining Watertown Street and the Con- <br /> cord Turnpike substantially as shown on a plan entitled, <br /> "Section 1 of Lexington Country Club Estates, dated <br /> October 23, 1940. Albert A. Miller, C . E. and recorded <br /> with Eiddlesex South District Deeds, Book 6500, page 550 <br /> and a plan of proposed easement for drain from Watertown <br /> Street to Briggs Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, dated <br /> Januar- 20, 1942, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, " <br /> and for that purpose the sum of " 500.00 be appropriated, <br /> said sum to be transferred from the Drainage Construction <br /> Account . <br /> Carried Unanimously 11:06 P.M. <br /> Article 36. VOTED: That the Town raise and appropriate the sum <br /> 4'50.00 for the erection of a temporary structure to <br /> contain the names of those Lexington citizens serving <br /> with the armed forces of the United States of America, <br /> said structure to be placed at some conspicuous public <br /> place, the location to be selected by the Board of <br /> Selectmen. <br /> Motion presented by Charles McCormick offering amendment to read <br /> not to exceed ga ). Amendment as presented voted upon and declared <br /> lost 11:09 P.M. <br /> Main motion as presented declared carried 11:09 P.M. <br /> Article 2. fhV -7k.: T2xxZuttxkhaxRnemmxt*ItsxeluRRxig.x22g"ftRilizA <br /> W-Z-Mx -§-15- 3T-§Z):-:Mat,tqfixxhuwtzrAigXt);_x_szazixttrzatxtise <br /> Selectman, Archibald R. Giroux, explains account of a drive being <br /> made by the ssachusetts Salvage Committee , and upon the suggestion <br /> of the American Legion Post #38 the old war cannon located at Tower <br /> Park be turned in as junk. Selectman Giroux states Mrs . Hallie C. <br /> Blake had been consulted and was agreeable for such a transaction, <br /> and account of such action or permission having been given by the <br /> Board of Selectmen previous to this Town Meeting, he was asking for <br /> the approval of the Town Meeting for the action taken. Also, Sel- <br /> ectman Giroux announces that the cannon was sold at auction on <br /> Sunday, March 22, 1942 for the amount of 425 .00 which was to be turned <br /> in to the Town Treasury. The approval of the above action by the <br /> Selectmen vas unanimous , 9:22 P.M. <br />