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428 <br /> Donald E. Nickerson states if all articles not completed at this <br /> meeting, meeting would be adjourned until Monday, March 23, 1953 at <br /> 8 P. M. Carried Unanimously 10 :17 P. M. <br /> Donald E. Nickerson states, if no objections, Articles 34 and 35 <br /> would be taken up at the next meeting and would continue with Article <br /> 36. There were no objections. 10:18 P. M, <br /> Article 36. VOTED: To rescind the authority to borrow the sum of <br /> 440,000 -for the installation of water mains of sixteen <br /> inches or more in diameter that was voted under Article <br /> 10 of the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting held on <br /> March 17, 1952, no part of said sum having been borrowed. <br /> Carried Unanimously 10:19 P. M. <br /> Article 37. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- <br /> ized, however from time to time constituted, to sell and <br /> convey any of the real estate now or hereafter acquired <br /> by the Town by taking or sale for nonpayment of taxes, <br /> the right of redemption of which has been or shall be <br /> foreclosed or otherwise terminated, upon such terms and <br /> conditions as they may approve. <br /> Carried Unanimously 10:20 P. M. <br /> Article 38. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized <br /> to sell and convey at any time on or before r''ebruary 26, <br /> 1954, the land on Meriam Street known as the Old Fire <br /> Station Site, upon such terms and conditions as they deem <br /> proper; 'said land being described as follows : <br /> Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side line <br /> of Meriam Street at the property now or formerly of Henry <br /> P. Boutelle, thence running northeasterly along Meriam <br /> Street a distance of 42.90 feet to a stone bound. Thence <br /> turning at an angle of 90° 00' and running southeasterly <br /> by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance <br /> of 79.56 feet to a stone bound. Thence turning at an <br /> angle of 90° 20 ' 30" and running southwesterly by land <br /> now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of <br /> 42.68 feet to a point. Thence turning at an angle of <br /> 89° 49' 30" arid running northwesterly by land now or <br /> formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.73 feet <br /> to the point of beginning and containing 3,407 plus or <br /> minus square feet, <br /> Carried Unanimously 10 :26 P. M. <br /> Article 39. VOTED: To amend lection 6 of Article VI of the General <br /> By-Laws by striking out the words "and shall be kept <br /> open one evening each week for at least two consecutive <br /> hours, the day and time for such evening hours to be <br /> determined by the Board of Selectmen" and inserting in <br /> place thereof the following: "and may be kept open during <br /> such evening hours as the Selectmen may from time to time <br /> determine, " so that said section will read as follows : <br /> Section 6. That portion of the Town Office Building <br /> which is occupied by the offices of the Board of Sel- <br /> ectmen, or Board of Public Works, the Town Clerk, the <br /> Town Treasurerand the Collector of Taxes, shall be <br /> kept open continuously for the transaction of business <br /> for eight hours each week day except holidays and <br /> Saturdays, the particular hours to be arranged by the <br /> Selectmen for the convenience of the public, and may <br /> be kept open during such evening hours as the Select- <br /> men may from time to time determine. <br /> Carried Unanimously 10:32 P. M. <br /> John H. Devine moves that meeting be adjourned until March 23, <br /> 1953 at 8 P. M. Carried 10:33 P. M. <br /> Attest : <br /> Town erk <br />