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Town Meeting Members Association (TMMA) <br />ROLE: To inform Town Meeting <br />Members in advance on all warrant <br />articles, meeting procedures, and mat- <br />ters of town governance; to act as an <br />interface between Town Meeting and <br />the municipal government, the Board of <br />Selectmen, School Committee, and <br />other town committees; to represent the <br />members of Town Meeting when the <br />Meeting is not in session; and to <br />improve Town Meeting procedures and <br />processes. <br />Some Executive Committee members (Those in attendance at meeting on 9/19/07). <br />Rear: D. Kaufman, J. Cole, M. Heitz, E. McDonald, J. Rosenberg, J. Courtemancbe, <br />MEMBERSHIP: All Town Meeting A. Katz, G. Park <br />Members are automatically members of E Stieglitz, M. Ba <br />the Association. At the first information <br />meeting following Town election, precincts meet individual- <br />ly and elect their Precinct Chair, Clerk, and Vice Chair offi- <br />cers. Those precinct officers make up the TMMA Executive <br />Committee, and serve for one year. At the annual meeting <br />of the Association, the members elect TMMA officers, who <br />are limited to terms of no more than two consecutive years, <br />except for the Communications Officer. The Executive <br />Committee usually meets on the second Wednesday of each <br />month, except when Town Meeting is in session and in July <br />and August. The monthly meetings are open to all. <br />Park( <br />HIGHLIGHTS: <br />• Reviewed and discussed: <br />— Financial summit meetings on the 2008 budget <br />— Budget projections for FY09 <br />— Requests coming to the Community Preservation <br />Committee for Community Preservation Act funds <br />—Changes to TMMA procedures <br />potentially required by an earlier <br />schedule for Town Meeting. <br />• Published TMMA Warrant <br />Information Reports on all articles <br />coming before the annual Town <br />Meeting and the Fall Special Town <br />Meeting so Town Meeting members <br />could better understand the issues. <br />• Held the TMMA bus tour to view <br />sites affected by warrant articles for <br />the Annual Town Meeting. <br />• Sponsored three warrant information <br />sessions before the Annual Town <br />Meeting and one session before the <br />fall Special Town Meeting to familiar- <br />ize members with the warrant and to <br />give sponsors feedback on likely ques- <br />tions and additional information <br />needed concerning their articles. <br />• Sponsored an information session <br />before the fall Special Town Meeting <br />D. Adams Front: A. Friedlich, A. Lazarus, E. Sandy, E Sandy, <br />ker <br />on commercial property assessment in Lexington <br />• Sponsored One Lexington Dialogue, two sets of four <br />facilitated conversation sessions among Lexington citi- <br />zens of divergent opinions, in an effort to improve the <br />quality of political dialogue in the Town. <br />• Maintained an email listserver (with message archives <br />accessible to the public to at http: / / <br />group /lex- tmma /) that provides a medium for informal <br />discussions among TMMA members about Town matters. <br />• Provided timely information on the TMMA Website, <br />including Executive Committee minutes, various commit- <br />tee reports and access to TMMA e -mail archives <br />(http: / /lexingtontmma. org) . <br />• Recognized the contributions of two Town Meeting <br />Members who have served in Town Meeting for 30 <br />years. <br />2007 Annual Report, Town of Lexington Page 17 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />G <br />Q <br />a <br />2007 -2008 Executive Committee <br />Officers Chair: <br />Edith Sandy <br />Vice - Chair: <br />Darwin Adams <br />Treasurer: <br />Alessandro Alessandrini <br />Clerk: <br />Jim Osten <br />Communications: <br />David Kaufman <br />Prct. <br />Chair <br />Clerk <br />Associate <br />1 <br />Ellen Basch <br />Jonathan Cole <br />Barry Sampson <br />2 <br />Toby Sackton <br />Christina Welch <br />Nancy Nolan <br />3 <br />Reid Zurlo <br />Arthur Katz <br />Glenn Parker <br />4 <br />Ellen McDonald <br />Margaret Heitz <br />John Rosenberg <br />5 <br />Andy Friedlich <br />Eph Weiss <br />Jerold Michelson <br />6 <br />Alan Lazarus <br />Frank Sandy <br />Brian Kelley <br />7 <br />James <br />Marsha Baker <br />Sheryl Mahoney <br />Courtemanche <br />8 <br />Jessica <br />Elizabeth Bryant <br />Nancy Bartlett <br />Steigerwald <br />9 <br />Francine Stieglitz <br />Jesse Segovia <br />Laura Kole <br />2007 Annual Report, Town of Lexington Page 17 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />G <br />Q <br />a <br />