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Selectmen Meeting - Febr u ar ;_ 8, 1988 <br />MYSTIC VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, <br />The Committee recommended $0 fundi for Mystic Val l ev Men t a.l <br />Health, in view of the discontinuance of ou rpat i en t care to Lexington <br />residents and those of other her c o m m u n i t i e s in x t y _ service area. Car is <br />now given at other agencies located in Woburn and Art i ngton s <br />The recommendation to deny f ��89 f undi nq �.,ias made without prejudice <br />to any future request , should MVMH develop new ��r�grar��� � far ti cu l - Fr <br />in relati to Lexington Schools, <br />REPLACE <br />Mr. LOWe.i l de R ePi ace as a Lexi c o u n s e l i n g <br />program that works. wi try adolescents and thei f provi cr 3 c.; z_ <br />intervention ser vices, outreach, : n�' �ar��fat i ��rs and '" oferr a1 j a dr�� -i r� <br />cen a�"�'d counseling, <br />He noted tha last ,g ear , R eP l ace had lost a $24 a ar=t f rom the <br />Dep of Men t a l. Healt o f s t a t e w i d e p o l i c f) c-h' an gee and the T{ ;wr. <br />had fu RePl ace above the l of its usual appr to all ot. , <br />time for development o f other funding sources, <br />Thi <br />is r near, , Re Place had requested funding of $_fig, 000 or 2 `23 of i ts <br />� - <br />p rojected ec t ed hu dge t , but had adjusted that request t o 75 _00 after <br />er <br />discussion with the Human Services C o m m i t t e e , The Comm i t tee <br />recommended a $65 , 000 a ppropriation, <br />Mr. Lowell spoke of Replacer s unsuccessful efforts to obtain <br />United Wal Funding and in general, the difficulties in finding sources. <br />o - non t ate funding, noting the Human Dery i ce � :ommi t tee * e o n g o i n g <br />et f or to to assist in this area. <br />Concern was expressed by Board members about the need for a more <br />formal relationship between RePlace and the Town to correlate funding <br />with programs i.e. with Police, School =, Recreation, and Health <br />Departments and that more wo needed' to b e done i r, t area before <br />larger 1uffie. are appropriated. Information on operat i oreal issue a.i. S.0 <br />need to be explored before a decision is made on funding. <br />A s d i d the Human S e r v i c e s u orrtm i t t ee the Town Man � e l <br />! , ager r c��t���i�'� � ��_� <br />a $65 appropriati . <br />� � r . E dd i so n ques wha di sad } a n t ages pr ev en t Re ace f r � =Fr, <br />ac as a mo re br ba se d agency, thus being e l i g i b l e for S t a t e <br />funding, <br />Mr. Lowell poi nted out that Replace would they: be subject to State <br />requiremen r egarding service to ot her t ow ns a t el t tha t�,i s � o uld <br />Chan i t s character, f u n c t i o n an e f f e c t i v e n e s s . , <br />It w as agr eed t RePl ace he asked t provide more <br />r• <br />i n f o rm a t i on o n i ts p an fun be o re anV d e c i s ion on <br />r <br />level of funding i e made: <br />gE `� I � HENLTHf�' I NDEPrNDENT L i �:� I Ng MOO I `' PROGRAM <br />Mr . L owe r ep o r t ed t h at t S en i ,_r H eal t Mo i for i n flroQ arr, <br />Curren tly operated by Vi si t i ng N ur ses and L:c =rrmun i t u Neal th, serves 20 f r a i 1 e. der Iv 3 es i den '. s. 1 ,,j h o o L f f e r lrti s e i e r . f r' � <br />w _ �i � � �� t � � t tf � d F -� i.,= I t h �i u r _ � n 9 # �..i � � € e P 1 a cerr en t . H e n o t ed t h e g nq of der y ' � '�opulat i �In In' l o(,,in a s d ear , �F <br />1 7 1J L1 _ 1 .i <br />discharges after hospital e t av e as having adverse effects on t <br />heal th and qual i ty of l if e of Lex i ngto,; `e elder' jr- <br />Jr <br />� <br />