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r � <br />Selectmen s Meeting December -16 1 986 <br />Mr. Bowyer pointed ou that it could he considered spot zoning and <br />questioned the need to rezone when reconstr is procedurally possible <br />under the Zoning Eby- -Let ,.i without e re. -Lon i rig. Issues involved in such a <br />procedure were described by Mr. Bowyer. <br />David Wells referred to the development options not earlier and sail... <br />th it ir, € as h is i t t w ere no o ption s avai la b le except to <br />rebui Id exactly as before. If expanded, parking requirements would have to <br />be m et which he felt tr. .jas. r , C , t possible since no space in Ce" Districts exists.. <br />Mr. Mar shall felt that unless the matter was brought to Town Meeting <br />there would be no options, as Mr. Wells had said. He saw it as an <br />opportunity for improvement in the Center and recommended that thought <br />should be given t o that procedure in the next two or three weeks . <br />Mrs. Smith felt that the owners should provide plane to react to and <br />should proceed through normal channels . <br />M r. Abrams, owner of the property, noted that it t difficult to <br />submit a pla at this time when procedural measures a c onstrai n t s a re <br />still unknown. He said he would like to imp what had been and work t " #i th <br />whatever restrictions exist. Mrs.. Ba t t i n , Chairman of the Zex i n 3 t o n Center <br />Commi ttee, offered the assistance of an L. C.C. Sub- comri -tit tee formed for that <br />purpose. <br />Mr. Eddi s.on noted the time constraint, with the Warrant closing on <br />,€�► December 30, hu t it was suggested that space for are A r t i c l e can be reserved <br />before that date of the closing without completion of the-specifics. <br />Because bf the importance of the prod ect , it was thought that Town a9enci es. - - _ <br />sho coordi efforts to assist in the procedure. <br />Mr. Wells sa id he tta s impressed h1i the sp i r - i t c! f c, er a ` i o n. shown b j <br />t o t,� ;n erd . H e f e t t he t r agedv 'o f t he f i r e- w�ict u I d b e ev erg = -icy r se i t t he <br />buildings were replaced as t he had been an t hat the owners should be ,:; i v en <br />all help possible with their plan to construct an attractive building +hat <br />will he a credit to the Town for years to come. <br />Mr. Cohen referred to the proposed plans of the owners to have the <br />building constructed and occupied by nee t Fall and said that under <br />procedures required for zon i nQ amendments, it would not be possible to meet <br />that deadline. <br />M r. Marshall felt that an Article regarding a park i nq structure should <br />he on the Warrant, possibly with two alternative sets of plans., to qi ve time <br />to develop options.. <br />Upon mo ti o n duly made and seconded, it was v oted to reserve s.p ace i <br />the Warrant for the 19.7 Annual Town Meeting for a rezoning article for the <br />Mass. Avenue bu i ldi pia destroyed bk) fire, and are article relative to <br />construc -t i o of - a Farb. i r,3 Structure adj acen t to that bu i ldi na f <br />LEXINGTON CENTER POLICE BOOTH <br />M r . M r e p o r t e d th a t i ts m eet in g o De c em b er 11t t <br />L e x i n g t o n Center Committee had discussed the offer of the Mar t i gne t t i f <br />POEM t fund a ne ts,# Police Booth on Mass. Avenue. <br />He li .vi an que stions raised as fo <br />Elevation plans should be 1ookzed at bk) the Historic. Districts <br />C ommission term o f t ?r a .�t d t i �s �# p i. 3 t'i e X i 4 <br />t: '-i �{ f 1 d i �i '� ■ <br />0' <br />