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D .. <br />Sel ec tmen ' s flee t i n g 5- N u errib <br />�" f The Manager felt that a gradu <br />subsidize ;nl;j - i .,# the cost �_ sewers, . <br />r i s e toward full Enterprise for sewer would be p r e f e r a b l e . Mr . To n ass u c k <br />showed a chart illustrating the impact of the increase on households. of <br />Selectmen and t he Town M a n a ger, based on me t er ed u <br />A chart s ho�i i n q t he wa ter c o n s u m p t i o n o f i n d u s t r i a l user who would <br />pap the propose' d surcharqe,was displaved. As directed by the Boards the <br />Torn Man alter ' had contacted these firms t i t hem of the p r o p o s a l . <br />Mr. Hu tchi nson no ted that those eli for the p ro p osed low- -usage <br />rate i.e. elderlu, singles, to tals- 16% of users. <br />John Ry Comp troller, reported that in the annual audit by Arthur <br />Anderson Company it had been advised that the Town sho uld accou f water <br />a n d sl o an e n t e r p r i s e ba sis, w h ic h i n ow a ll owe d und 1 ate . he T W rr <br />Man ager w ill prepare are article on the matter for the 198' Annual Town <br />t t1 <br />Of the high user to be impacted, Hanscom Field had not responded v) i t h <br />-a p o s i t i o n . A n Air Force rep {resen tat i ve present reported -that the proposed <br />changes would he rev iewed an that response would he for thcomi ng in the near <br />future on the plan to renego the fee s tructure which would bring the <br />Base to full cost for water. <br />Foul G r iffi n, rep resent i ng Data Resources, stated that ar r# ong the <br />i ndustr ial users listed hi fi was the lowest user and therefore would <br />have the least impact from the incr ease are d su r char ge t R. egar d i n q the sewer <br />rate, he felt that gradual yearly increases should he i mpl emen ted as an aid <br />to - p l a n n i n g f bu s i n e• .ses rather than h av in g the i of a l ar ge i n c r ea se <br />at one time sev eral n ear s fr now <br />Th b no further corr men t s off th Information Ses•_•i on t ias. <br />closeds <br />REPORTS � �F THE TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />Pe ter f :hal p i n , Ch ai rman o f the T r a f f i c Saf e t v A dvi so r y Corrrrrr i t t ee , was <br />pre-sent for revi of reports o seve 'traffic related reques <br />t1ASS. AVENUE, EAST LEXINGTON <br />Mr. Cha p i n outlined the rec o f the Traffic C o m m i t t e e on <br />the requests of the East Lexington Community Association regarding safety <br />co on M a ss. A ve n ue fr To P t the Arl l in e , w <br />included replacement of traffic signals at the East Lexi ngton Li hrary x <br />i of z str a t e x i s t i n g c n e w cros "No <br />P a r k i n g " areas near selected crosswalks for improved v i s i b i l i t y ; r e l o c a t i o n <br />cif existing crosswalks; and preliminary studies tit as-seas 'traffic si cznal <br />-e <br />1 <br />warr compliance fi o r the Mass, Avenues and the Mass Avenue <br />:street - i n tersections. <br />Mr. Chalpi n respo to questions fro Board memb for clarificatio <br />of several items <br />Rectardi nq I tem studies concerning possible installati of traf <br />1 +rr <br />00oft signals a t Taft Av enue an Maple S treet o n Mass.. A" - v enue, Mr . Mar s.ha 1 <br />suggested that space f or a fundi Ar t i cle b reserved in the 19817 Warran <br />to avo del a�) of ano ther year after re ul t = of the studies are k no(. %i n . <br />Mr. Hutchinson suggested explorati of a traffic stabilizati fund to <br />cov such matters and wi work on preparati of an Article for the 1981f' <br />T M e e t i n g . <br />