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T <br />Selectmen s Meeting September 10, 1984 <br />Mr. Stusse requested execution by the Board of a document entitled, <br />"Classification 'Tax Allocation," notifying the Department of Revenue of the <br />action of the Board in adopting the Residential Factor and percentages for <br />each classification derived from the Computation Rep art <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign notification <br />to the Department of Revenue of . the adoption. by the Board of the Minimum <br />Residential Factor of 90.3849%. <br />The Board reviewed a Draft of Modif ied Criteria for Board of Appeals Appt . Criteria <br />Appointees, prepared by Selectmen McLaughlin and Marshall. Bd /Appeals <br />Regarding #4, "shall have no land-holding interests in Lexington that <br />might present conflict of interest pr lems ," Mr. Sacco expressed disagree- <br />ment with the terminology as too restrictive since , it would apply to <br />almost everyone who owned a home or commercial property. He felt that Board <br />of Appeals members would excuse themselves from acting on any petition which <br />might involve conf lict of interest and that the ck- iterion . excluded a segment <br />of the population which could provide effective members of the Board of Appeals. <br />Mr. Marshall clarified the intent of Item #4 as referring to those who <br />deal in land as the major means of. making their living such as a developer or <br />builder -, and whom he didn't f eel should be members. of the Board of Appeals while <br />actively engaged in that business. <br />Mr. McLaughlin felt it should be noted that he and Mr. Marshall were in <br />agreement with the intent of Item #4 as noted above and added that the con- <br />flict of interest laws would probably cover any such situation, however it <br />had seemed appropriate to include some language to suggest that � applicant s <br />for B fA membership should be sensitive to the possibility that a conflict <br />might - ar is e. <br />He said he would be amendable to suggested rewording or advise from <br />Town Counsel on the matter, but felt that getting more specific might be re- <br />gr(!-ltted . He felt that the intent of the language. was, clear, but that notation <br />in the minutes of that intent might be useful for future reference. <br />Mrs. Bat t in asked for clarification of Item #2, regarding the-three <br />criteria mentioned under "Sha have knowledge of land use and zoning matters <br />as evidenced by:" and asked if service as an Associate Member was to be a <br />requisite in each instance despite prior service on other Town Boards. <br />Mr. McLaughlin pointed out that there are cases of individuals with prior <br />experience and knowledge of land use and zoning who wold be sufficiently qual- <br />ified to serve as full members without serving as an Associate, i.e. former <br />Planning Board memb er s or Selectmen, mentioning a person of Mr. C ohen' s ex- <br />perience specifically, and that there are some applications which should be <br />judged on a case -by -case basis* <br />Mrs. Battin noted that she felt strongly that service as an Associate Mem- <br />ber was crucial in order to serve as a full member of a Board whose functions <br />differ so greatly from other Town Boards. <br />Mr. Sacco opposed inclusion of reference in the collect ive criteria to <br />desirability of Board of Appeals appointees having "environmental and/or con- <br />servationist experience," because he felt that those qualifications did not re- <br />late to the functions of the Board of Appeals. He felt that the other "collect- <br />ive" criteria listed were professional in nature, but that a person of any level <br />of conservation experience or interest could claim to be qualified. <br />Following further general discussion of various aspects of the criteria, <br />upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 1, with Mr. Sacco voting <br />in the negative,, to accept the Criteria for Board of Appeals Appointees as <br />presented:. <br />