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Selectmen's Meeting <br />Mr. Hutchinson then reported on his recent attendance at Harvard Univ- <br />ersity, Kennedy School of Government where he was enrolled in the Kennedy Town Mgr./ <br />School of Government Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Govern- Harvard U . <br />ment . He thanked the Board for the opportunity and felt that the program <br />content and instruction were excellent. <br />Robb Biltekof f and Lisa Dif f ley were introduced to the Board by the Management <br />Manager. They are currently Management Interns working in the Town Managers Interns <br />off ice. He gave the Board a brief overview of what Robb and Lisa have been <br />doing and feels that the Intern Program provides invaluable assistance. On <br />behalf of the Board, Mrs. Batt in thanked them. <br />Mr. Hutchinson reported on the letter from the Commonwealth with regard <br />to additional State Aid. it appears that an additional $89 3 ,000 may be re- S tat e Aid <br />ceived , but the Town will know better where they stand when additional infor- <br />mation is received -along with the revised Cherry Sheet <br />-3-- August 6, 1984 <br />Mrs. Hazel McKeown, 64 Reed Street was present to discuss the removal <br />of Beech trees on her prop erty, which she claims are diseased and are a safety <br />McKeown/ <br />hazard, Mr. Hutchinson stated that one tree had been removed that was judged <br />Beech <br />to be a hazard and several others had been trimmed. He continued by saying that <br />Trees <br />the trees had been looked at by- the Tree Warden and it was determined that the <br />trees are in fact not diseased. Mr. Hutchinson recommends that the trees not <br />be taken down. Mrs. Battin then asked if the trees were in fact on Town pro - <br />ert or private property. Mr . Hutchinson said that the Engineering De <br />P Y P g g t. had P <br />determined that the trees are on private property. Mrs. McKeown then spoke and <br />said that originally when her folks built the house, the Town said the trees <br />could not be touched because they. were on Town property. Mr. Hutchinson said <br />it has been determined that the trees are in fact on private property and are <br />not diseased. Mr. McLaughlin said that he is sympathetic to the problem, but <br />if they approve the request, the Town would end up cutting trees on private pro- <br />perty. Mr. Marshall felt that the decision was clear. If the trees are not <br />diseased, and are on private property, the Town cannot do it. Mr. Sacco felt <br />that since he was not present at previous discussion of the matter, he could <br />not vote to deny the request . <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 1 to deny Mrs. McKeown' <br />s <br />request. <br />Mr. Eddison asked where the Town stood on the Pedestrian Crossing Signs. Ped. Cross - <br />Mr . Hut chins on said that the matter is still being investigated . However , ing Signs. <br />Arlington and Concord s t i 11 have their signs up and feel they are beneficial. <br />There is a question of liability when you have them, and a question of liability <br />when you do not, the Manager said. <br />,Mr. Eddison also wanted to know what the status was on Simonds Road parking <br />issue for users of the commuter bus. Mr. Hutchinson reported that on the Act- Simonds Road <br />ing Town Managers decision, the issue will wait until September. Parking <br />The Chairman told the board - t hat she had been informed that the Town had <br />Alice R. <br />been left a sum of $5,000 in the will of Alice R. Ferguson in memory of her Ferguson <br />husband, Charles E. Ferguson. The Comptroller has received the $5.000 Plus in- g <br />teres t of $24.11 and Mrs. Bat t in requested that the Board be thinking of ways to <br />use the gift appropriately. <br />