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-3- <br />Selectmen's Meeting 117 June 11 1984 <br />g a <br />* The Chairman explained the petition of Mita F. Teding Van Berkhout <br />for permission to pledge the Liquor License for LeBellecour Restaurant as <br />security interest in a Loan transaction. It was noted that all 'necessary <br />documents required for approval of the request by the . Alcoholic Beverages <br />Control Commission have been filed by the petitioner with the exception <br />of a Certificate of Good Financial Standing, to be issued by the Mass. <br />Dept. of Revenue_ . Since the Ger of irate would not ' be available for' several <br />weeks, Mrs. V'on Berkhout had requested the Board's approval, conditional <br />upon issuance of that document, <br />Upon motion duly made and - seconded, it was voted to approve the request <br />of Mita F. Teding for pledge of Common Victualler All Alcoholic Beverage <br />License f or LeBellecour Restaurant as security interest in connection with <br />certain financial transactions with the United States Trust Company of Boston <br />as one of several other securities which secure the payment of a promissory <br />note in the amount of $7oC, C0C The vote is conditional upon provision by <br />Mrs. Van Berkhout of a Certificate of' Good Financial Standing, to be issued <br />to her by the Mass. Dept. of Revenue. <br />LeBellecour <br />Pledge of <br />Liq . Lic . <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was. -voted to accept,, with -regret , Resignation <br />the resignation of Stephen Baran as chairman and member of the Human Ser- Human Svs . <br />vices Committee, Baran <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- <br />vised Study .Sheets for Battle. Green Guides, as submitted by the Director <br />of Battle Green Guides, Cornelius P. Cronin. <br />Mr. Eddison presented the "Report to the Board of Selectmen on the <br />1984 Spring Clean -up Campaign" and brief ly summarized the results of the <br />efforts of the individuals and. organizations participating in the endeavor, <br />He f elt that it' had been a succes sf ul of f ort, and asked f or the sense <br />of the Board regarding planning f or a 1985 campaign. He advised more ad- <br />vance notice .to allow for s- cheduling bar- organizations -and - ;schools to assist <br />and suggested ' enlarging the scope of activities i.e. by plantings. <br />He expressed appreciation to the members of the 1984 Clean -up Comm- <br />ittee for their- good work, and gave suggs t atons for planning and act ivit ie s <br />to be undertaken in April, .' 8 5. <br />Upon motion duly made -and seconded, it was voted to approve the imple- <br />mentation of a 1985 Spring Clean-up Campaign, as recommended by Mr. Eddison <br />and to accept with appreciation .''The Report on the 1984 Spring Clean -up <br />Campaign.'' The 1985 Campaign will be conducted under the leadership of <br />Mr. Eddison. <br />Mr. McLaughlin, who had chaired the June 6th Kline /Terzian Dog Hearing, <br />reported to the Board on testimony given at that time and his recommenda- <br />tions as to resolution. of' the problem. Mr. Kline had complained that the <br />Terzian dog barked excessively - when its owner was not at home and it was <br />tied outside. .. Mr. McLaughlin stated that there. was no question that the dog <br />is a problem to the .neighbors, as evidenced by the testimony noted in the <br />minutes of the hearing, and recommended that the Selectmen order Mrs. Terzian <br />to take steps to correct the situation. <br />Study Sheets <br />Guides <br />Clean --up <br />Campaign <br />Kline /Terziai <br />Dog Hearing <br />