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$0 <br />#W^ <br />Selectmen's Meeting �5- October 15, 1 990 <br />CLT PETITION, QUESTION #3 <br />-- -- + - M r . White referred to an a n a l y s i s of the effects on cities <br />and towns of the Citizens for Lower Taxes (CLT) Petition <br />( Quest #3 on the b a l l o t of the November 6 State El <br />prepared by the Dept. of Revenue, Division of Local Services. <br />The report estimated revenue loss at State level if CLT passes to <br />be $1.355 billion for FY' 91 , and that most m u n i c i p a l i t i e s would <br />receive a 21.3% decrease in local aid. Lexington's mid FY91 <br />reduction would be $780,000, with almost twice that expected for <br />FY92. <br />He also noted a request from Moody ' s Investor Service for <br />provision of information by cities and towns to allow assessment <br />of the credit i mp l i cations of the CLT I n i t i a t i v e . <br />He asked that both perspectives be taken into consideration <br />when coming to a decision on the Board's position on Question #3. <br />Mrs. Smith pointed out that although it is not often that <br />the Board takes a formal position on a Referendum Question, she <br />felt it important to do so in this case. <br />She noted the drastic effect of the CLT petition, if <br />approved, on Public Works, Public Safety, Human Services and the <br />School system, adding that the petition is more than just a firm <br />message to the State, as so many voters seem to think. <br />Mrs. Smith's draft position statement opposing Question 3 <br />had been distributed to the Board. Mr. Eddison voiced his <br />support of the statement and said he felt it important to take <br />this stand in the interest of the Town. <br />Mr. Dailey said that he supported the gist of the statement <br />but added that if Lexington would not be so badly impacted by its <br />passage, he would have supported Question 3 as a message to the <br />Legislature. <br />Mr. McSweeney agreed with Mr, Dailey and asked, in view of <br />comments from many c i t i z e n s , if the Board would also be taking a <br />stand on Question 5. <br />Mrs, Smith felt that the draft being considered that night <br />should convey only a statement on Question 3. <br />Mr. Marshall pointed out that it was important to keep in <br />mind how badly the economy has deteriorated during the 18 months <br />since Question 3 was framed. He agreed that the Board should <br />also make its position known on Question 5, which he supports. <br />He asked that the Board's position statement on Question 5 be <br />placed on the agenda for October 29. <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve <br />the draft statement in opposition to Question 3 of the ballot for <br />the November 5, 1990 State Election. <br />SPECIAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLE <br />Mr, White referred to the Special Town Meeting which is <br />proposed for November 28, to deal with the P i n e Meadows <br />development and other matters. A draft article , prepared by the <br />Planning Director and Town Counsel regarding the conveyance of <br />land and rezoning of land at Pine Meadows, was reviewed. <br />