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to one of the assistant Incident Commanders. All incoming <br />fire equipment (except the HAZMAT truck) will report to a <br />_ staging area established by a senior fire officer first <br />rather than the Command Post. <br />3. The fire chief is in charge of all aspects of the inci- <br />dent, except for decisions on major evacuations, expen- <br />ditures, and other life threatening situations which must <br />be made by the Chief Executive Officer on scene <br />or as directed by the EOC. In the absence of the Chief <br />Executive Officer, the Fire Chief shall be responsible for <br />all decisions. <br />~. As part of this system it is important to note that the <br />fire chief remains in command at the scene even after the <br />fire department has closed up and returned to station. The <br />chief or his designee will remain at the scene until such <br />time as DEQE or EPA declares the scene as "cleaned up". In <br />the event that the process will take more than a few hours, <br />the Chief Executive Officer may relieve the chief and <br />appoint a member of the LEPC as the community represen- <br />tative on scene (preferably someone from the health or <br />environmental area). <br />B. When requested, law enforcement officers will evacuate an area <br />around the incident site established by the Incident Commander. <br />The routes of evacuation will be determined by the senior law <br />enforcement officer at the forward command post. Furthermore, <br />in special instances, routes for incoming personnel must be <br />determined so as not to endanger their lives in the process of <br />reporting to the incident site. This evacuation procedure must <br />be coordinated with liaison personnel at the forward command <br />post to ensure the safety of law enforcement officers and eva- <br />cuees. In addition, if a State of Emergency is declared, the <br />EOC will be activated to coordinate the response efforts of <br />other departments and personnel. <br />_C. Refer to Annex A (Direction and Control) Annex L (Shelter) and <br />Annex M (Evacuation) for further details. <br />VI. ADMINISTRATION AND L®GISTICS <br />A. Records and Reports <br />Forms for collection of information pertaining to hazardous <br />materials incidents are found in Appendix 1. <br />B. Resources <br />Each department with response capabilities and task assignments <br />is responsible for providing and maintaining equipment and <br />supplies necessary for hazardous materials operations. Involved <br />private facilities must make their resources available and <br />maintain updated resource inventories. <br />C. Training <br />Local emergency response personnel as <br />personnel must attend training courses <br />State agencies. All training will be <br />Massachusetts Civil Defense Director, <br />well as assigned private <br />offered by Federal and <br />coordinated by the <br />in consonance with <br />N-7 <br />