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2 7 0 (Adjourned Session of the 1983 Annual Town Meeting - May 16, 1983.) <br /> Laura F. Nichols, Planning Board Member, asked how many people lived on <br /> Emerald Street and Mr. Johnson answered that there were six houses. Mrs. Nichols <br /> said that part of the street is a paper street and that she cannot see the town <br /> building the street all the way through. She is opposed to reconsideration of <br /> Article 40. 9:46 P.M. <br /> General discussion followed. <br /> Motion to reconsider Article 40 was declared lost by voice vote. Mr. Golini <br /> asked for a standing vote and, as thirty -four members stood in agreement, the <br /> Moderator called for a standing vote as follows: <br /> Precinct In Favor Tellers Abstained Opposed <br /> 1 11 Robert E. Breslin 6 <br /> 2 5 Karen A. Docks 10 <br /> 3 6 Paul V. Ri£fin 8 <br /> 4 0 Peter C. J. Kelley 16 <br /> 5 8 John Orin Hayward 9 <br /> 6 0 Thomas E. Fortmann 20 <br /> 7 1 Clarice B. Gordon 13 <br /> 8 13 Carolyn H. Tiffany 0 <br /> 9 8 L. Gail Colwell 1 8 <br /> At Large 7 John R. Campbell 14 <br /> Totals 59 1 104 <br /> Motion to reconsider Article 40 was declared lost. 9:57 P.M. <br /> Paul Newman moved that Article 11 be taken off the table. This motion was <br /> declared adopted unanimously. 9:57 P.M. <br /> (See Page 211) <br /> Article 11. TRANSFER OF SCHOOL PROPERTY <br /> (William W. Welch, Jr. gave written notice that he would abstain <br /> from voting on Article 11.) <br /> Presented by Paul Newman. <br /> (As MOTION: That the care, custody, management and control of Franklin <br /> adopted) School and the land adjoining it be transferred from the School <br /> Department to the Board of Selectmen effective July 1, 1983, and <br /> that the School Committee be authorized to dispose of surplus <br /> personal property and material in connection therewith. <br /> 9:58 P.M. <br /> Mr. Newman stated that the School Committee (of which he is a <br /> member) is not recommending transfer at this time. He asked that <br /> the following statement be made part of the minutes of this <br /> meeting: <br /> STATEMENT ON TRANSFE OF FRANKLIN <br /> The vote of the School Committee to transfer Franklin School <br /> to the Selectmen was made reluctantly, as was the earlier vote to <br /> close Franklin as a school. This is a beautiful school, wonder - <br /> fully situated, with a proud history. <br /> We offer Franklin to the Board of Selectmen because we do not <br /> envision an identifiable use for it in the foreseeable future. It <br /> is possible, however, that as our studies come in next fall on <br /> grade level reorganization and future school closings, we will see <br /> a desirable use for Franklin and will propose that use. While <br /> such a possibility seems too remote at this time for us to retain <br /> control of Franklin, we want to highlight the possibility and ask <br /> Town Meeting - if it votes to transfer Franklin to the Selectmen - <br /> to do so on the understanding that any timely proposal by the <br /> School Committee on the future use of Franklin be given special <br /> consideration. 10 P.M. <br />