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(Adjourned Session of the 1982 . Annual Town Meeting - April 14, 1982.) _0 <br /> Article 38. Mrs. Battin explained that the last time an analysis of Lexington <br /> (Cunt.) Center had been made was in 1965. The Center Revitalization <br /> Committee has been working on a parking plan and has studied all of <br /> the past evaluations. The plan is to hire an experienced traffic <br /> engineer for this current study. She stated that there would be <br /> an analysis of (1) intersection capacity; (2) Street direction <br /> pattern; (3) Parking lot circulation; (4) Loading zones and (5) <br /> Curb parking restrictions. 9 :48 P.M. <br /> William J. Dailey, Jr. stated that the Appropriation Committee <br /> had been opposed to the original amount of $15,000 that had been <br /> submitted, to the reduced amount of $5,000 and are still opposed <br /> to the present figure of $3,000. 9:50 P.M. <br /> Robert I. Rotberg asked how many man hours of consultant services <br /> the town would be buying. Mrs. Battin answered that the Director <br /> of Department of Public Works said that it would be about fifty <br /> hours. 9:51 P.M. <br /> Frank Sandy said that the Planning Board unanimously supported <br /> this article. 9:56 P.M. <br /> Nyles Nathan Barnert voiced the unfavorable position on this <br /> article by the Capital Expenditures Committee. 10:02 P.M. <br /> Main motion, as offered by Mrs. Battin, declared adopted by <br /> voice vote. 10:04 P.M. <br /> NUCLEAR ATTACK <br /> Article 39. Myron L. Miller moved that the following resolution be adopted: <br /> NUCLEAR WHEREAS: The safety of residents of Lexington and the security of <br /> ATTACK their property are of paramount concern to us in the <br /> event of nuclear war: and <br /> WHEREAS: Such a war, involving the enormous destructive power of <br /> nuclear bombs and the long term effects of radiation <br /> damage to all forms of life, could lay waste our town <br /> and the Boston metropolitan area within minutes of such <br /> an attack: and <br /> WHEREAS: The civil defense plan ordered by the state and handed <br /> down to town civil defense authorities has been called <br /> into question by town officials and experts in the field: <br /> now therefore <br /> BE IT <br /> RESOLVED: That the town direct the Civil Defense Director to hold in <br /> abeyance further distribution of this plan: That the <br /> town meeting instruct the Town Manager and the Civil <br /> Defense Director to jointly appoint, with the approval of <br /> the Board of Selectmen, a committee of seven (7) members <br /> to be made up of citizens of the town, including indiv- <br /> iduals knowledgeable about the effects of nuclear weapons <br /> to investigate through research and expert testimony the <br /> implications of nuclear attack. The charge to the <br /> committee shall be to determine if any civil defense plan <br /> for the town is realistic and feasible, and if not, what <br /> can be done. The committee shall be appointed by June <br /> 30, 1982 and shall report back to the Board of Selectmen <br /> by November 30, 1982. Furthermore, when the report is <br /> approved, the town will assume responsibility for printing <br /> enough copies of the report for every household in Lexing- <br /> ton, in a sum not to exceed $300 and will accept financial <br /> and other forms of assistance from individuals or groups <br /> to print and to distribute the report to every household. <br /> - 10 :07 P.M. <br /> At the request of Myron L. Miller, Myron Rosenblum and Stephen W. <br /> Miller, a radiologist, were recognized and spoke in support of the <br /> resolution. Mr. Rosenblum represented the Lexington Committee for a <br /> Nuclear Weapons Freeze. 10 :18 P.M. <br /> Having met with the above committee, Alfred S. Busa said that the <br /> Board of Selectmen supported the resolution and that the money <br /> requested would come from the Civil Defense Fund. 10:19 P.M. <br />