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1() <br /> (Adjourned Session - Annual Town Meeting - April 15, 1987, cont.) <br /> (Adjourned Session - 1987 Annual Town Meeting - April 15, 1987, cont.) <br /> ARTICLE 37. CARY LIBRARY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT <br /> (passed- <br /> MOTION: That the sum of $35,000 be appropriated for the purchase of see <br /> additional computer equipment for Cary Memorial Library, and that such below) <br /> amount be raised in the tax levy. <br /> Presented by William J. Dailey, Jr., Board of Selectmen. 8:25 p.m. <br /> Mr. Dailey mentioned a capital article to fund renovation project <br /> of the library will appear next year. Mr. Dailey hoped observation <br /> would be made during the year of that which will be called to attention <br /> and on which funds will be requested. 8:26 p.m. <br /> Frederick Frick, Chairman, Advisory Committee of Cary Memorial <br /> Library, proposed the library computer, and answered questions. The <br /> annual maintenance cost anticipated is $2,400, of which none will be <br /> paid the first year. This is involved primarily in hardware <br /> acquisition. Delays can't really be answered at the moment. Delays <br /> will depend on use. This phase will be the extension of the <br /> circulation system and upgrading of hardware for public access to the <br /> data base. And the long term plans will deal with sometime in the next <br /> five years a larger computer and at that time if the technology exists <br /> replacement of the card catalog. 8:32 p.m. <br /> Michael O'Sullivan, Appropriation Committee, recommended <br /> favorable action. It is believed to be cost effective. 8:34 p.m. <br /> Richard Michelson, Capital Expenditure Committee, recommended <br /> adoption of the article. 8:35 p.m. <br /> H. Bigelow Moore, Pr. 6, asked how to use the terminal, and if the <br /> system had been tried in other towns. 8:37 p.m. <br /> Mr. Frick replied that there would be function keys for use, and <br /> it had been tried elsewhere. 8:38 p.m. <br /> The Moderator declared a unanimous vote. 8:38 p.m. <br /> ARTICLE 38. LEXPRESS MINI-BUS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM <br /> MOTION: That the sum of $246,500 be appropriated for a local trans- (passed- <br /> portation system, that such amount be raised in the tax levy, and that <br /> the Selectmen be authorized to apply for, accept and expend funds see <br /> from the M.B.T.A. or any other governmental agency in connection with Page 131) <br /> such local transportation system, and to contract with a private <br /> transit company to provide transportation services. <br /> Presented by John C. Eddison, Chairman, Board of Selectmen. 8:38 p.m. <br /> Mr. Eddison stated the article is being level funded, and it is <br /> for the second year of a three year contract. The Board of <br /> Selectmen supported the article. 8:39 p.m. <br /> Sally Castleman, Chairman, Transportation Advisory Committee, <br /> stated the current contractor was providing excellent service, the <br /> committee is pleased with the new vehicles of which there are now six <br /> and the reliability of service is back to its original high level. <br /> Ridership is gradually increasing. An onboard ridership survey was <br /> done with satisfied rider response. <br /> Mrs. Castleman welcomed marketing ideas. <br /> Mrs. Castleman also stated the chair car, which isn't really part <br /> of Lex-press, is included in the budget. 8:44 p.m. <br /> Michael O'Sullivan, Appropriation Committee, recommended <br /> favorable action. 8:46 p.m. <br /> Georgia Glick, Pr. 4, on behalf of Lexington schools offered that <br /> high school classes are available to help solve problems of all Town <br /> committees. 8:46 p.m. <br />