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(Adjourned Session of the 1986 Annual Town Meetin April 55 <br /> 28, 1986) <br /> Article 47. The followin residentu were reco <br /> (Cont.) In Favor: Sheila Clemon-Karp F. David Wells as a member of the <br /> Board of Dana Home Ann Groves, Carol Hess, William Scott. <br /> Opposed: Alan B. Wade and Malcolm Kasparian. <br /> Carol J. Grodzins, James E. Barr and Maril Mairson all spoke <br /> in opposition. Mrs. Mairson read a letter from a resident of <br /> Barberr Road opposin this article and su a moratorium on <br /> buildin in the South Lexin area. 9:45 P.M. <br /> At the re of Eric T. Clarke, Thomas Huebner, Chairman and <br /> Executive Vice President of the Choate-S Life Care, Inc. was <br /> reco and explained that the had approached the Dana Home <br /> Board last Januar and would like to mer with them, but the Board <br /> would like to take a little time to stud this move. 9:50 P.M. <br /> Walter N. Leutz said that Life Care works and added that lon term <br /> care is expensive. He ur support. 9:52 P.M. <br /> Julian J. Buss moved that the motion under Article 47 be amended <br /> b addin at the end the words: <br /> (Amend. "provided however that the "Special Conditions: Ho usin g " section <br /> adopted) of the Preliminar Site Development and Use Plan be amended to <br /> re this development to be maintained as a not-for-profit <br /> retirement communit 9:53 P.M. <br /> Thomas Huebner stated that he had no ob to this amendment as <br /> the intend to run this as a non-profit corporation. In response to <br /> a q uestion raised b Mar K. Madoff, Mr. Huebner stated that <br /> over time, with inflation, fees will probabl increase. <br /> 9:57 P.M. <br /> Mr. Buss g an g 's.motion to amend Article 47 was declared adopted <br /> unanimousl 9:57 P.M. <br /> Paul Riffin spoke in support of the article. 10:13 P.M. <br /> Paul W. Marshall, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said that <br /> if the meetin votes a this article, the area propert will <br /> be out of our control. It is not a rich man's kin He added <br /> that the Dana Home is not meetin the same thin as Choate-S <br /> Life Care and he encoura the meetin to vote for the article. <br /> 10:18 P.M. <br /> Marian C. Reill read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricci, <br /> part owners of the propert who disapproved of the densit <br /> 10:19 P.M. <br /> (Amend. Jac B. Davison moved that Article 47 be referred to the <br /> Lost) Plannin Board for further consideration and report back to a fall <br /> Town Meetin or to the next Annual Town Meetin whichever comes first. <br /> 10:20 P.M. <br /> Mrs. Davison voiced the opposition of the South Lexin residents <br /> to this proposal and explained that this is a lar massive buildin <br /> that would be constructed. She ur support of the motion to refer. <br /> 10:24 P.M. <br /> Gloria V. Holland and Louise V. T. Kava supported the motion to refer. <br /> Judith J. Uhri said that the Plannin Board ur defeat of referral <br /> and said that the Board had studied this proposal for over a y ear. <br /> 10:27 P.M. <br /> Mr. Huebner said that Choate-S opposed the amendment to refer <br /> as the have tried take care of an ob as the were presented. <br /> 10:29 P.M. <br /> Iris G. Wheaton spoke in favor of the proposal. 10:32 P.M. <br /> Mrs. Davison's motion to refer was declared lost b voice vote. <br /> 10:33 P.M. <br />