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Adjourned Session of the 1986 Annual Town Meetin April 14' 1986) 0 <br /> 09 <br /> Article 42. (Motion as attached to the Plannin Board Repor as adopted (Cont.) <br /> (Cont.) <br /> A) a) b deletin subsection "11.4 PARKING, LOADING TERMINOLOGY" <br /> in its entiret <br /> b) b redesi subsection 11.5-LOCATION OF OFF-STREET PARKING, <br /> LOADING BAYS to be subsection 11.4 and chan all nuiffbers in that <br /> subsection and cross-references to it accordin <br /> c) b addin a new subsection "11.5", as follows: <br /> "11.5 DRIVEWAYS <br /> 11.5.1 Each parkin space and loadin ba shall be connected <br /> b a drivewa to a street or to an interior drive that leads <br /> to a street. Parts of a drivewa ma be partl on another lot <br /> or ma straddle a lot line provided the Board of Appeals g rants <br /> a special permit under subsection 11.8c." and <br /> d) b redesi subsection 11.6.7a, which deals with the inter- <br /> section of a drivewa with a street and si lines, to be sub- <br /> section 11.5.2, and subsection 5.6, which prohibits drivewa <br /> servin commercial uses from passin throu a residential district, <br /> to be subsection 11.5.3 readin as follows: <br /> (As <br /> adopted) "11.5.2 In all districts the number of drivewa permittin <br /> entrance to and exit from a lot shall be limited to two per <br /> street line. Drivewa shall be located so as to minimize con- <br /> flict with traffic on public streets and where g ood visibilit <br /> and si distances are available to observe approachin <br /> pedestrian and vehicular traffic. <br /> .11.5.3 No private wa or drivewa which serves a non-residential <br /> use in a non-residential district shall be built throu a <br /> residential district." <br /> A5) In subsection 11.6.1, b deletin the words: ..."not be located <br /> in that portion of the front y ard which lies between the principal <br /> buildin and the street line except in a desi drivewa <br /> and b insertin in place thereof the words: "be located in a <br /> drivewa or parkin space desi on a plan if located in the <br /> front y ard and not on a lawn or other natural area." so that the <br /> subsection as amended will read: <br /> "11.6.1 PARKING FOR ONE - FAMILY, TWO-FAMILY DWELLING: On an <br /> lot in an district where parkin is provided for a one-famil or <br /> two-famil dwellin and where there are not more than four <br /> outdoor parkin spaces servin such dwellin each parkin space <br /> shall be set back five feet from an side lot line or rear lot <br /> line, and shall be located in a drivewa or parkin space <br /> desi on a plan if located in the front y ard and not on a <br /> lawn or other -natural area." <br /> A6) In subsection 11.6.2, b insertin the word: "drivewa between <br /> the words ..." spaces.."... and ..."and maneuverin aisles"... <br /> in the third line, and b insertin the word: ", drivewa between <br /> the words ..."parkin space"... and ..."and maneuverin aisle".... <br /> in the title above the table in subsection 11.6.2 ; in subsection <br /> 11.6.6a b insertin a comma and deletin the word ..."and"... <br /> after the words ... "parkin spaces"... in the fourth line and b <br /> insertin the words: it, maneuverin aisles and drivewa after the <br /> words ..."loadin ba in the same line in subsection 11.6.6b <br /> b insertin the- words: "alon drivewa and" after the word <br /> ..." "screened "... in the fourth line ; so that the subsections as <br /> amended will read: <br /> "11.6.2 On an lot in an district, for all uses other than a <br /> one-famil or two famil dwellin all paved parts of all parkin <br /> spaces, drivewa and maneuverin aisles, shall be set back from <br /> an wall of a principal buildin and from an lot line or zonin <br /> boundar line as indicated in the followin table"... (remainder <br /> of section unchan ... <br /> "Distance in feet_parkin space, drivewa and maneuverin aisle <br /> must be set back from:" (remainder of subsection unchanged) <br />