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1.5 <br /> ADJOURNED SESSION OF THE 1986 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING <br /> APRIL 9., 1986 <br /> The meetin was called to order b the Moderator, Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. at <br /> 8:01 P.M. in Car Memorial Hall. , <br /> There were 182 Town Meetin Members present. <br /> The invocation was offered b Rev. Peter H. Meek of the Hancock United <br /> Church of Christ. 8:04 P.M. <br /> The Moderator said that as this is Lexin Student Government Da he had <br /> the honor of turnin the meetin over to the student Moderator for toda Sarah <br /> Lev dau of Town Meetin Member, Ronald Lev <br /> Miss Lev read the followin Proclamation: <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS: the future g overnment of our Town, State and Countr will be <br /> in the hands of those who are now our students and <br /> WHEREAS: it is most important that those students are encoura to <br /> become aware of democratic processes and interested in <br /> participation in those processes and <br /> WHEREAS: we have the opportunit to make them aware that the future of <br /> our democratic societ rests with the understandin and involve- <br /> ment of y oun g people, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE., the Lexin Board of Selectmen hereb proclaims April 9, 1986 <br /> as <br /> STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY <br /> Student Moderator, Sarah Lev asked the students that had participated in <br /> Student Government Da to step forward to accept certificates in their name. <br /> The student officials represented the Board of Selectmen, Town Mana Police <br /> Chief, Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, DPW Director, Town Clerk, Fire Dispatcher, <br /> School Superintendent, School Committee, Plannin Board and Recreation Director. <br /> The students were g iven a standin ovation b the meetin 8:09 P.M. <br /> Nanc Barter, Chairman of the Youth Commission, g ave additional awards to <br /> others who had contributed in other wa 8:10 P.M. <br /> Student Moderator, Sarah Lev turned the meetin back to Town Moderator, <br /> Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. Mr. Cole praised Miss Lev and she was g iven a round of <br /> applause. 8:11 P.M. <br /> Article 2. REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS., OFFICERS, COMMITTEES <br /> William P. Kenned Chairman of the Permanent Buildin Committee, <br /> explained that the committee had been meetin since Jul 1985 <br /> investi town buildin but concentratin on school buildin <br /> for needed repairs and reconstruction. The expect to finish the <br /> stud b the end of April and will have a bus tour for Town Meetin <br /> Members (Hi School, Clarke, Diamond, Estabrook and perhaps a <br /> second elementar school) on Ma 4th. The Town Meetin will consider <br /> the buildin recommendations (Article 35) on Ma 7th. <br /> Paul Newman, a member of the School Committee, said that Article 35 <br /> is a model of collaboration of the town's boards and committees. <br /> There is a draft report b y the architect and the final report will <br /> be done and made available at schools, Car Librar Town Hall and <br /> precinct captains on April 28. 8:21 P.M. <br />