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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMonuments and Memorials Committee - Charge - Rev. 2021.04.14 Monuments and Memorials Committee Membership Nine Appointed by Select Board Length of Term. 3 years, September 30 appointments, staggered Meeting Times As needed Quorum. Quorum shall be a majonty of members serving Descnption. The Committee will develop and publish an inventory of existing public and private memorials within Lexington, assess the condition of these public memonals, and recommend to the Select Board an annual maintenance and restoration plan. The Committee will be charged with identifying the need as well as reviewing requests for new public memorials for veterans and/or other persons or events and recommend possible design and locations for such memorials All records pertaining to actions of the Monuments and Memorials Committee shall be filed with the Town Clerk for archiving purposes Catena for Membership The Committee seeks members with one or more of the following backgrounds 1 Is a military veteran or represents a veterans' organization, 2 Is knowledgeable about Lexington's history- 3 istory3 Has knowledge and expertise in design, construction and preservation of statuary and monuments While not part of the Committee, the following committees are invited to recommend a non- voting liaison. Select Board, Town Celebrations Committee,Veterans' Services Office, Department of Public Facilities, Department of Public Works, Lexington Histoncal Society and Tourism Committee Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to 1 Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest statute Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest statute Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. 2 Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref. Charge adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 26, 2014 The Selectmen voted on Apnl 7, 2014 to designate members of this committee as Special Municipal Employees Selectmen approved a revised charge to add a Selectmen Liaison on August 25, 2014 Select Board approved a revised charge on Apnl 14, 2021 -to change the Veterans' Services Office to be a liaison, add Tourism Committee as liaison, add that committee is to also review requests for monuments, add quorum definition and remove Board of Selectman appointment of committee chair