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Site Based Council 2/5/20 Meeting Notes <br /> e 1L.Asa Riendcau shared infbri,nation about the district's guidance related t.(.) cor-onavirus. <br /> I land washing- J,.ids need t.(.) wash hands befbre they each or just.wash then'i <br /> an gencral, good habits to get into <br /> Virus as well as fbod allergies are a good reason t.(.) do it, <br /> pnfbrn'iat.ion needed so parents are aware <br /> Currently <br /> video clips now available t.(.) classroon'i teachers <br /> teachers infbrn'ied that.children need t.(.) wash hands bef6re lunch <br /> hand sanitizer pun'ips in cafet.cria and recycling roon'i <br /> "T'he group discussed inconsistency in hand washing an'iong classroon'is and that., since the HINI, society <br /> has beconw, n'iore lax, ]Fhe school is worj,,i ng on consistency and establishing health lifelong habit.s. <br /> 1L.,an,iinated signs are in the bat.hroon'is. <br /> Students can wash their hands as needed in classroon'is. <br /> e School Spirit. Days <br /> Sara- in past.... Crazy Say, Sports'T'henw, Day, Pajan'ia Day, Crazy I lair Day, <br /> 13acfd.wards Day, Character Day, Qnside Out., Year 3,000 Day, Favorite <br /> Decade Day, Color Day, flau.crn Day, Anin'ial Day, Vacation Day, <br /> Dress to h'),ipress Day, Fun Friday, Wacf,.y Wednesday, Mustache Day, <br /> I I ave J�,.i d s vot.c? <br /> Non stress and ftin fbr- parents and Jd.ids <br /> Advance notice is very helpfitil fbr- parents <br /> I 2x every quarter? <br /> April <br /> June <br /> e Redistricting Update <br /> Coffee Circles- throughout. March, here March I Oth, n'iodcl after Restorative Circles <br /> con,inninity building, space t.(.) share thoughts <br /> Ever-yone welconw, t.(.) attend whether directly in'ipacted or not <br />