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products, but those that have not been preOmAy certffied. Ns is where the bdk of research wdll <br /> be requured. <br /> It was aso darffied that if the is no equ�vaent product wuth regards to spedfic rnaterall <br /> perforrnance (exarnpe &en for KevVar and resn bukt resMant waH pan0ng) then that rnaterU <br /> wdll be conskiered exernpt frorn the Red Ust and not affect the budcfings cornpance wuth al-Mng <br /> Budcfing ChaHenge approach. <br /> It was noted that a locall precedent was the Kern Center at I larnpsNre CoHege. <br /> N[d presented a Et of approaches for conskieraflon to the corm-rdttee. <br /> 1) Just do the research. They budcfing wdll be constructed usng convenflonall rnaterUs and <br /> technques and the desg tearn wdll document wNch rnaterUs are cornpHant wuth the <br /> Red Ust and wNch rnaterUs are not. <br /> 2) Set a budget cap. Ns wdll set a budget to Am for lncreased costs to have spedfic <br /> rnaterUs that traciffionAy wodd not cornpg y repaced wuth rnaterUs that do. They cost <br /> cfifferences wdll be tracked and lf we but a pre de ten-rdned threshoki then wdll not pursue <br /> ackfiflonall rnaterUs if they negaflvdy lrnpact the progect budget. <br /> 3) Urrflt cornpVuance to the rnost lrnpactfull cfi0suons for the end use of the budcfing <br /> (envdope, furntune, fun she Ns rnethoddogy wodd ld<dy lgnore re quurernents for <br /> product rnanufacture and end of Irfe cfisposaL <br /> 4) Fu H cornpHance wuth the UOng Bu dcfing ChaHenge Red Ust. (It was noted that Ns <br /> opflon wodd ld<dy lncrease the schedde to produce Ud docurnents.) <br /> Mark S. darffied that the prk-nary ob�ecflve of the poky was to focus on the he and safety of <br /> the I,,..)ulIdIng?'s occul.)aints., I herefore, We should focus on theinterlor Ilving enviromment forernost. <br /> Other characterVsflcs of rnaterUs were cfiscussed for conskieraflon as wd, such as the <br /> characterVsflc of budcfing rnaterUs when subected to fire. Ns is to reduce harm to occupants <br /> fledng a budcfing lf lt caught fire as wd as lk-rdflng rusk to the fire fighters who wdll have to enter <br /> the budcfing ln order to exflnguush a fire. <br /> It was cfiscussed that spedficaflon cfi0sVons 4, 7, 1) and 12 have the rnost lrnpact on the lndoor <br /> enOronrnent and the cfirecflon was then &en to proceed wuth cornpVuance for Nv 4, 7, 1) and <br /> 12. Refer to the approach at the end of Ns document for darfficaflon. <br /> It was asked how we pan to deall wuth other rnater4s outskie of the sdected cfi0sVons, for <br /> exarnpe, Iughflng, fire protecflon, HVAC. They des�gn tearn wdll utMze the database for these <br /> rnaterUs and wdll avoki products that cc: ntrubute to poor IACD,fIndoor Aur QuAtyjl and the lnterVor <br /> enOronrnent. We wdll Aso rr4ntan thoughtfull des�gn techn0ques, for exarnpe, not locaflng ar <br /> lntakes new the generator or near non red Et roofing rnaterUs. <br /> They des�gn tearn agreed to aso rr4ntan a rnatrOx of part 2 of the spedficaflons to ldentrfy what <br /> corTil'.)Iled and What dld1l't With reason Why. I Ills can 1,,..)e used L.)y the 101 (Fown of Lexungton) for <br /> future proects as a bas0ne In Ns process. <br /> C'Ms S noted that even Red Lust cornpUnt budcfings wdll ld<dy have non cornpUnt rnaterUs as part <br /> of thdr construcflon. <br /> PBC Meeting 12.03.19 2 <br />