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S,77SR^�h0 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br /> x ° Permanent Building Committee <br /> Q 'zv D <br /> Permanent Members <br /> APRIL i4'" <br /> Co-Chairman: Jon Himmel & Co-Chairman Dick Perry <br /> fix'"6`� Philip Coleman, Charles Favazzo, Carl Oldenburg,Peter Johnson, Howard Hobbs <br /> Project Specific Members <br /> Hastings Elementary Fire Station Visitors Center LCP <br /> Curt Barrentine Robert Cunha Joel Berman Hank Manz <br /> Andrew Clarke Joseph Sirkovich Peter Kelly Teresa Wilson <br /> IDecernbeir 3, 201.97:00"x:00 I1:1II <br /> Members Present: Jon Himmel, Dick Perry, Philip Coleman, Charles Favazzo <br /> DPF Staff: Mike Cronin/Director of Public Facilities, Mark Barrett <br /> Also Present: Mark Corr, Mark Sandeen, Todd Rhodes <br /> 6:10 PM- Meeting was called to order— 201 Bedford Street, Room 221 <br /> IRed bist: Discussion <br /> ............................................................................................................................ <br /> Jeff MI of Fenton Architects and Macie� I< of New I cology presented me d information on they Red List. <br /> It was reported to they cc::7rr rnittee that Fectc:n and New Ecology (NEI) had a rneeting with another <br /> architect that has cc::7onpu este d a Ibuikfi og that has been certified as cc::7rnpE pant with they Living Buikfi og <br /> e nge Red List. Fhey inforrned the design tears on a process to achieve C Ornp lance. It was <br /> discussed that every product Coes not need to me'e't the criteria of Red List che'rnicaIl free, but that <br /> a docurne me d effort needs to be rnaintaine d. F'or products that are not in cOrV`p�lance, either <br /> a ternative me t o s or materials shall e e'.rnp oye", and if it cannot rV`VC"et the required design <br /> criteria or pe'rforrnance then a stater est shaVV be rf1ade to quaffy why said rnate'riaIl w0�Il not <br /> cornpVy. <br /> [Ire'rV`VOurn costs were aso discussed. It was noted that the costs can increase by approxirnatdy 10% <br /> of construction. rec:ton was hesitant about this claire and NII stated that they fed the approach <br /> wo C increase construction cost by approxir`Vate y 2% with aro increase in fee for fdIl cOrnp lance'.. <br /> The design te'arf➢ was not aUe to definitively confirm this untVV the scope of cOrV`p�lance was fdy <br /> understood and the charge to pursue was approved by the [1130.. Once the approach was agreed to <br /> the design te'arn would prepare a prC7posaIl to perform this scope of work. <br /> It was discussed that Red List free and Red List cOrV`p�iant were not the same thing and that it was <br /> ornpr::7IbaUe to be Red List free. 17art of they issue is that wMe product A may be Red List free, puUic <br /> bidding Iaw requires the specifications to Iist 3 e quaK If there are not 3 e quaIl products that are <br /> Red List free, then they product will be in vuc::7Vatuc:n of Massachusetts puUic; (bidding Iaw. They design <br /> te'arn agreed that if this instance occurs then a docurne nt wVVV be produced iVhj>trating that such a <br /> product cannot corV`p�y and wVVV state the reason. This rne'thoddogy is required by the Living <br /> Bu ikfing C:haVVe nge for cc::7rnpE iance with they Red List. <br /> NII rooted that there is a databases of 10,000 u rnaterVa st have been &eady certified as <br /> cc::7rnpE pant with they Red List. They design tearn wuVV utihze that databases as they Ibu iki they ou fline <br /> specifications during I...)e sign I...)e've'VC)prne nt. It was noted that the chaVVe nge is not on the known <br /> 201 BEDFORD STREET• LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 <br />