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note on the plan; providing always that the area over which such <br /> cutting shall be done, shall be sub-graded in accordance with direo- <br /> tions given by the architects and top-surfaced as hereinafter sped- <br /> Vied for all turfed areas . <br /> After thb sub-grades have been approved by the ar- <br /> chitects , they are to be top surfaced with loam spread upon the <br /> areas intended for turf (such areas including also the strip be- <br /> tween the sidewalk and street , not shown on plan) and planting . <br /> The loam to be not less thaw ten inches deep over areas intended to <br /> be in turf and not less tha-11 eighteen inches deep over areas intend- <br /> ed to be planted. <br /> Should there be any deficiency of loam, the contrac- <br /> tor shall at his own expense furnish and bring from the outside <br /> enough to make good the deficiency. Such outside material, If any, <br /> is to be of the best quality and subject to the approval of the ar- <br /> chitects . <br /> Care is to be taken to prevent the loam from getting <br /> into the areas intended for drives and walks, a division being made <br /> by tenporary boards or planks placed along the lines and strongly <br /> staked in place . <br /> After the loam shall have been spread, it is to be <br /> oultivat*4 by trenching over by heed eight inches deer) , all wood,, <br /> roots , stick$, Stones and other undesirable material being removed,, <br /> and the whole ground brought smoothly to the proper shape . All <br /> ground Is to be kept free from weeds by hoeing and raking and hand <br /> weeding from the beginning of the work until it is finally accepted <br /> by the architects . <br /> Before the trenching well rotted barnyord manure is <br /> to be spread over all the areas to be in turf or planted, at least <br />