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Page 201 <br /> December 13, 1976 <br /> - Checks must be written to the Town of Lexington and not the <br /> Lexington Public Schools. <br /> - All income from adult participation must be deposited with the <br /> Town Treasurer. <br /> - Approval of this pilot program does not commit the school committee <br /> to future programs of this type. <br /> - Approval of this pilot program does not carry any commitment by <br /> the school committee to present and/or future financial support. <br /> Mr. Michelman approved the proposal enthusiastically noting only <br /> that care should be taken in the use of the word "citizen" since students <br /> currently enrolled in schools are in fact "citizens". <br /> Mr. Brown asked whether there was anything in the plan which might <br /> be in competition with the evening Adult Education program given the dif- <br /> ference in tuition structure. Dr. Clune responded that he knew of no <br /> conflict and added that the new program offered a kind of adult/student <br /> interaction which is not afforded in the evening program. <br /> Miss Abelmann noted that, while generally enthusiastic, students <br /> whom she had polled had expressed concerns about feelings of inadequacy <br /> with adults present, overcrowding of classes, adult "take-over", and <br /> unfair competition. <br /> Dr. Clune responded that all these concerns had been taken into con- <br /> sideration in building the pilot program. <br /> Dr. Rotberg moved to accept the Superintendent's recommendation, <br /> underlining the qualifications noted by Dr. Lawson and the concerns ex- <br /> pressed by Miss Abelmann (Seconded, Brown, Unanimous) <br /> Dr. Lawson presented to the school committee the written reaction PRINCIPAL'S <br /> of each principal to the Educational Plan Study Committee report. Also REACTION TO <br /> included was a written reaction from Dr. Pierson. Dr. Lawson noted E.P.S.C. REPOT <br /> that, in terms of action, some areas had already been addressed, others <br /> were in process, and others were slated for future attention. <br /> Mrs. Swanson thanked Dr. Lawson and the principals for their efforts. <br /> She indicated that it was her feeling that response from the committee <br /> would be inappropriate at this time. Mr. Michelman agreed that it would <br /> be better to give the school committee and the study committee a chance <br /> to reflect on the principals' responses. He suggested that one or sev- <br /> eral meetings should be scheduled at which all interested parties could <br /> question and share ideas. <br /> Dr. Rotberg presented for consideration an article which appeared N.Y. TIMES <br /> in the N.Y. Times on December 6, 1976. It described a program operat- ARTICLE ON <br /> ing in St. Louis, Missouri. SMOKING <br /> He wondered if such a program might be implemented in Lexington. <br /> Dr. Clune thought this might be a good idea and suggested that an appro- <br /> priate vehicle for offering such a program might be through Max Ed and <br /> Student Government. <br />