The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on 'i`dednesday,
September 17, 1969, at 7: 30 P . "., in the Selectmen! s Room, Town Office
Building, Lexington. Members present were Co=_issioners �vWlilbur
Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B . Parsons, Secretary, George E' . Graves and
Hax H. Strata and Associate Co=issicner S. Lawrence uGhipple .
Hearing was held at 7;30 P.it�. on the application of Leonard J.
Colwell for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erec-
tion and display of signs for the building at L Vine Brook Road, which
is within the Battle Green District . The Chairman read the notice of
hearing and the letter of application. Mr. Colwell appeared and pre-
sented photographs of the dwelling and drawings of the proposed signs .
The following abuttors appeared and expressed concern at the sizes of
the signs :
Judith Uhrig " Vine Brook Road
Ellis Guditz 9 Vine Brook Road
John Orcutt 1 Vine Brook Road
lvar A. ATielson 16 Vine Brook Road
Discussion was held as to possible changes in the style and size of the
signs . Mr. Colwell will secure new scale drawings and present them at
a later time . The hearing was adjourned at 8c50
Hearing was held. at 8:55 F,"Ii. on the application of 'Jholesale
Electronics Supply for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to
the erection and display of a sign for the store at 1711 Massachusetts
,-.venue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read
the notice of hearing and the letter of application. T?r. David I'lullen
of the firm appeared and presented a photograph of the front elevation
of the building . Since his sign man did not a-ppear, scale drawings of
the sign were not presented. Discussion was held with reference to
the words to be included on the sign. The Chairman will consult with
Vrr. "allen at a later time . No other persons having appeared, the
hearing was adjourned at 9.55 P•Ms
T're Chairman presented the following bill.
Elizabeth Fl7nn y,50.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to process the bill
for payment .
The Chairman read to meml) ers a Resolution, copy of which will be
sent to former Commissioner Ruth G. Bevan, expressing regret at her
resignation and gratitude for her years of sincere and fruitful service .
The next meeting night is scheduled for i'Jednesday, October 1, 1969,
at 7:30 F . d., in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building to consider
the application of Harvey 'JNF. Newgent .
The meeting was adjourned at 10eL5
Phhilip B. Parsons
:Secre tarty