HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-15 Th ' Historic Districts Commission hC 16 a n--e;tin� On ve nesda,y', January 15, 1969, at 7-30 .i=i., in theSelectmen ' s ''_icon, Town Office uildS= . .'terabers "present at 7e30 3'.'E. .were Co- is S_one_S -._ _`T, _ Str :h-lip Parsons, _secretary, Uth 3ev2n and George E . Graves and _'.'.SSOC1ate Cor:"_7i issioner pranzrlin C . Fudson. Due Uo the 'nabCi- zj Of Co=issloner '''il.'Our Jaoi:d tit, Cha.irmcn to serve on the first petition, upon motion duly made and seconded it was ITOted tha4- Comm'ss4 o ne's I,a, _ti Straw serve as Chairman, °ro Ternore . eaarirR ivas held at ;30 P .I" en the application of Craft Real Estate Trust for a Certificate of® pprOoriater].ess with res .,ect to c''lan.�es in the at--r-_Cr ar C_^_itectural features Of t`ae building at 1707 'assachuset"GS -vcnue , Gt hic''n is -within the .Battle Green District . _'1l' Cha-r ,an, Pro ^empore read the letter of application and the AOtice Of _ =ng _.__SS �, ne'S on.�iorno, 'Tr. Louis o'O;;_o_"no and ;sir. :min Shoe- maker appeared. ,,.y boe-mal:er "Oresented to the Commission samples of vinyl sidin , sa_nples of fiber glass si'Mulated stone and _photographs of the Ct _ r _ rs Cns ,,avi j OC ared the hc:ari_.:b ryas C_OsGd at �a00 P :T. After discussion, ii"_Con :P_Oti On a l;)T lade a'_2d se Cond-d =t ' '1�'J t0 issue a Certificate fT t0 th.°'. _ N11C a"nt a as una:ni-.L".OU.SIy v0 . .,_e ___ _ :r 1i1� :v c�S held. at .ls :' .,_ the-t '71 p1C a.t'e `"_On Of - vr'Vie; � ., _ . and Pat vio la. I.J. Rmve for a Certificate C Dtr^v;:�"'1�...ene'Ss .__„__ _ es7,e'Ct to t11F: ins-ailati on Of aluminum siding and al-=,inLLii Shutters on the residence at 25 3ed-ford Street, vfhich is -thin the 3attle Green Dis- trict. the Chairman, -.Pro Ten_',po--e read the latter of aO; l=_cation and the ._0t_Ce Of 't1f'"c^.T'r O6. ..::.r. Cc"�® a-,o-seared. -i h i'.:'_r b1J. �'hOeTtJaliN*r 2Y'id. presented to the CO=.is Si On ,Ohotogra--_Ohs of the dtiaelling and. a Ior oC?i, e pict,arino the type of siding to be installed. _v0 other _-ersons __aving appeared, tle3 nearing ' as Closed atJ8;3� ..'! . After discussion, .. ., on motion duly made and seconded, it wasU'1an1.mOU.SIy vCTED to issue. -a Cert— -a'e to the aoplieant . C t t:^_is ti��e Commissioner ,ilbur aauith, hairmar_ and .=',sse- C_ate COY.issioners "cor^ . . 11mery and eGladys I,% ..;''.Core jolneU ne ee ing. C'_'] 1Y'T1<a12 jac-oith revievwed the fact-.7 ac OJnd -,pertaining to the aoplic- _on of the r, rst Parish Church , filed October 10, 1966, for a Certificate of -_Pro-oriateness for the building oro"oosed to be erected or land ad joi'ni= the Church prooerty. p01ntOG of t that sobecauent to the hearing on S'Ove-tuber p, 1966 the Commission, pursuant I o vote, had reCuesteo. the i-irst sari Sn 'Church 13uild'lno Cio:r":"1_ttee to Submit n`;,,v plans -which :,a.s done , that the Clonmissicn met 1itn the COm- _littee Oil four Occas' o-as :i 011Oirgi_C� ti1N: ne a.rlr-�, but that there ha0. 'o,FSen r0 a- ee"rance before the Cor=-fission Since February 1, 1907 . fie said that in September, 1968, he requ StEd '- y , the ttorn6v for the Church, to vvithdraVv the c^._O_Olicat-i Orl before the cU_rrent C1 _LLn L.t.ea Gf Ye et-�`_lo--Jan U2-_'V 1 9 1969-- 2 e G t_::-::e :JireC or Jant?�-rV .'_„ ICjC'j . Cler_' of ,he CGYY7.ission, _rS. 1 �;Z- . teen rep or l.ed i.hat she h. d tall ed tAtii^E ti+l.ti1 :"r, i v Sini;e ?r Ll?Y'y 1, and '=e1.Cl 'J e -rs'C . C.d ^_ the first occasion that a P'it ten -,withdrai,2l OI the ?_�_rlication na.. be n a- ai1.^_ on the sewn call thot it wolald be Sent . The Chairman stated that no tndr'a-val had been received and there-''ore the 'COTr<nission would nave Ito -act on he ap-ol i cation at this meeting. discussion, upon r!!otion duly made and seconded, it -,uas - VI ED that the Co=jssicr. the; exterior architectural features of the _ ropcsed 'buiidi_.S, which would be subj;;ct to view fro.. a -c- :cl , c street, way or place wc-old result in a building �T,=ith an architectural Style W''- icr would create an inappropriate bacir-rcund- Settin for the Lattle Green, _fistGric buildings and Other historic 1Jlaces in the u-'eaand would -cc contrary to the ourposses of the Hjstoric Dist_ ictS Rot . 'Cl1CT�r iT1� the -OreoOin.g Bete-rn ination, the . 'T1SS=CTI. considered -T ether O-,.Iin tC conditions ::S-_C®C1�.r"'..l'1j a- - fecting the building but not -,ffe-cling: the __.'tle Greer District generally, fai u e t0 approve the - p1iC_. .ion Jill involve a SIJ.bS ^_ :._2a rdsh to the applicant, and ',;h:the_ Such application ma be ap.O--Ov C:d without sU'Osta.ntiai de „_ _.:tent to the 0'-iC L'Su"lrtc^,.e'e 2.i_... ;ri bout subst-antic derogapion iro,r t'-'e intent and _ -- - n`^, -` t e on dla `% made 'nd oses of the __ t . -riereupon aeon e _ _ _ seconded, it v-,,as '10TED thn,t t:.e Co=issicn de ^ fines that failure to e-Cprove j"..�!; __ol iC 2.titan i%{-ll 'r_GL lilvOl v".3 S 7b Start-1-.l '__ ^CS.1p to 'Che ;ol_GaT t and. that� ap- ic^-t ien a no ap rcved ,v trout su:bst-nt!^-, detr' ,"lent to t'].e publiC '"lelIcr'e arC. 'eithGut sab .ntLa-, de:- :Ort:J.-i.iOn fr Ci":: �'_na. �i-i1tc�'nt `)"r-pOSGS G= t1^_e yCG and •,.;5'-.,her -'-CCE t-nat the .Op1`ic -tion -or a Certiflc:.te of %.._Opropria- eness be and -5 diSap_prC4cd. T'ne next meeting _fight is scneduled for February aG 7`0 _F .it3. , in the S'e_ecti`ii2enls Roo-m, o-,,-a1 CffiC3 ..._.ilding to consider t ` pplica ti ohs of the e in g'wn is ter to" d .e,' he Te=r1t for .O :' . ^-evrolet _nC . and Depositors l'u-St v0*^c=1i'ly. The meeting 1,was a.dJourneG at 10:15 _ .1! 3-rsons Se cretary Due to the inability of Commissioner Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman to act on the petition of Craft Real Estate Trust the chair designates Commissioner Max H. Straw to serve in this action® Chairman January 15, 1969 Date TOWN OF LEXINk, TON Massachusetts 02173 ��i '" exN HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF DISoPPROVAL OF P. PLICP,TIOPI FOR CERTIFIC!',TE OF A?PROPRIFS'ENESS Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Historic Districts Commission held on ',,Vednesday, January 15, 1969, the Correnission voted to disapprove the application of the First Parish Church for a Certificate of appropriateness to erect a building on land located in the rear of the premises known as Numbers 1 and 5 Harrington Road and contiguous to the Church building premises all of which are within the Battle Green District . The application for the Certificate of Appropriateness was filed :aith. the Commis- sion on October 10, 1966 and a public hearing thereon was held on November 9, 1966, at which drayrings for the proposed building ,^Jere submitted to the Commission and revised drawings were submitted by the applicant on December 21, 1966 . The time for the Commission to act on the application was successively extended by the appli- cant to January 15, 1969 . This application for a Certificate of Appropriateness has been disapproved for the following reasons : ( 1) The exterior architectural features of the proposed building, shown in the dravrings presented to the Commission and which :could be subject to view from a public street, way or place are considered to be in- appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts Act; and (2) For lack of prosecution of the application. The disapproval of the application is to be without prejudice to the filing of a new application by the applicant at a later date . Participating in this decision were Co missioners 'ililbur ". Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary and George E . Graves and Associate Commissioners George '%. Emery and Franklin C . Hudson. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COTSIISSION By Wilbur IT. Jaquith Chairman January 15, 1969 TOWN OF LEXI1\ 'TON Marsachumus 02173 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to George E ., Jr. and Patricia 1,,1. Rowe . .. . ............ .. ....... ...... . ..... .......... ......... . .......... withrespecrto the installation of aluminum siding and aluminum shutters on the residence, as noted below, at 25 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District . The aluminum siding shall be baked white enamel finish of a sirnu- lated clapboard design approximately 4" to the weather . iiew alu- minum gutters and downspouts of white enamel finish may be instal- led. Viindow casings and sills shall be covered with aluminum baked white enamel finish and aluminum cornerboards 3" wide also baked white enamel finish shall be installed. All existing shutters on the front and sides of the residence shall be replaced in as nearly the same size as possible with aluminum shutters .of baked black enamel finish. It is understood that the porch will be put in repair and all ex- posed wood surfaces except the flooring shall be painted white . The front door shall be painted black. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by January 15, 1969 Date .. .................. Pax H. Straw CertificateNo. ..6q. C-2....... CHAIRMAN, Pro Tempore XR13984 TOWN OF LEXIN 'TON Maasacbmetts .m 02173 ; 3� ex;n oz HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Craft Real Estate Trust ................................................ .......... ......... ....I..... ................... with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the building, as noted below, at 1707 Massachusetts A.vcnue, which is within the Battle Green District . The changes in the exterior architectural features involve : 1. the installation of a fiber glass simulated stone of random ashler design of off-white color, lire the sample shown at the hearing, below the store windmmrs on the front ( southerly) end of the building and on the easterly side of the building to a height approximately 21. above the doors and windows 2 . to install with vertical joints solid vinyl siding white in color along the westerly and northerly sides of the building to full height thereof and on the easterly side of the building from above the simulated stone siding to the top of that elevation. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Jznuary 15, 1969 Dare . Max H. Straw. Certificate No. ........ CHAIRMAN, Pro Tempore MP•1a6a4