HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-23 October 23, 1958 The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting Thursday,, Octo&# 1958 in the First Floor Conference Room, Cary Memorial Building* present were obarjes G.Davis, Chairman, Floyd J.Tay!=2 Edwin B.Worthen, Jr. and Associate Members Charles H.Cola and AW.Kandall S.Reed. YoUT&TUDENT: A Lexington resident, student at Y.W. came in and was given a copy of the amended Act. He wanted to interview some one on the Commission and it was arranged that he would see MrJaylor at his office next Thnrsday morning. THEATRE CAVERA SHOPI The date of the application was checked and Zound to beg by phoneo Sept. 152 195S. YA50NIC: Yr.Colo said YT.Ericksom had told him he had some sketches on the fire escape and Yr.Gole and YrAorthen will get together with him on this. HA CODE GHVRGH: Mr. Davis told of the proceedings during the trial. He said Mr.Roger Greeley and. Yr.Worthen testifidd as well as Mr. Davis, for the Commission. The judges at the close asked if it were not Dossible to wcrk this out. Mr.Davia then read a letter from Mr.Stevens, quoting remarks from a letter from MroMay of the Hancock Church. One of the points brought up was tiat the Commission most approve one of the sketches already submitted, with or without modifications. After about 3.14 of an hour's discussion, it was decided to have YrWavis tell MrSteven.s that it was felt he should furnish the Judge with a copy of the letter from Mr,Yay and indicate to the Judge that in view of their stand, there probably is not much reason for holding off making the decision and to let the law take its duo course. ZINGSTON R.I. kr.Davia told of some correspondence he had had with Violet Higbee of Qngston$ R.I. They are forming a Kingston, R.I. Impreement Society and wish to know how the historic, zoning would or had effected real estate, ate* Mr,Davis read a letter from a Professor at the University there, asking if Yr.Daviz and Raj one else he wanted could possibly come dow7m to a meeting they are having Friday, Nov. 21st and answer any questions, etc. MrSavis is to go if possible and also would tell them to get in touch with Xr.Codman of the Beacon Hill Group . who had had more experience and try if possible to get him to attend too. Floyd J.Taylor, Secretary FjT/Wgt October 23, 1958 The Historic Districts Coo ission hold a public Vaying Qursda.y, Oct. 23, 1956 in the First Floor Conference Room, Cary Material Building at 6:00 P.M. on the application of Ellen K.Sw4nfor a certificates for the installation of combination aluminum store windows and doors on the `,,Gust at 24 Bedford St, Sittiss on the Commission were Charles G. Davis, Chairman, Floyd J TIor, Edwin %Worthern, Jr. and Associate Messbars, Charles H.Cole and. Ad .Kendall S.Roesd. Present were Mrso6wan and Wr son and his isifee Mr. Davis read the notice. They wish to install combination aluminum wiaadowa, a front door and possibly a side door on they Lexington side. These windows are plain and the doors would also be conservative. The question was raised about painting the windows but this is not planned. The finish ari these windows was discussed and it was decided these were in a Usatirn" finish.. it was also stated that the house is being painted the same color as before, i.e . , white. Hearing adjourned at SQ5 °.M, Meetings Yates it was unanimously voted to issue a certificate of appropriateness to Ellen K*Swan for the installation of combination aluminum storm sash and doors and the Chairman was directed to sign the Certificate of Appropriateness as prepared* Floyd j.`gayl r, seacrestarT FJTfw t October 23, 1958 The Historic Districts Commission hold a h,aring Thursday o Oct. 23V 1956 in the First Floor Conference Room Caryy morial Building at ` e on the aDplicatiOn Of o Celebrations Committee for a crtificatofor the erection Of a placue on the eeJa%Tree" on the Corson. Sitting orz tahr CENwi it�s3 war Charles G.Davis, C it an, FloTd J.Taylcp Rd in rS. ortsen,�ra and associate Ye hers Charles H.Cole and Adu.Kenda lc eed. . Present were yr.Gustin and. two other members of his Mr.lavis read thB notice. The committee wishes to eruct a het cgs inscribed bronze p1aoue to lac attached. to a concrete base at foOr of RU.N. .ree"o The base will be approscimatelY 9" wide, B" deep and. project above the � rou�d approximately 3�. The bass will be of concrete . The atact location of the true was discussed. This is an oak between monument and Harrington Rci. and is roughly oppaosits Q'Foley' s house . Sign would be on street side. Hearing adjourned. at 7:40 1.M- IvEETING: Votes It was terTo�ns11 voted ito issue a certificate of appropriateness tc the erection of a plaque and the Chairman was directed to sign the Certificate of Appropriatenesss as Vosparode Floyd J.Taulor, SwcretarT FJa fact