HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-20 August 20, 1957 meeting of the HIdtor1c, DUtricts Commisgion was held at 9:26 PeY, Auguat 20, 295 in the Selootments Room witb Ressrs.Smitb , Howard, Parsons, Davis and Mrj.yerrjam pre sent. The One objection the Commission bad to the propoeed building of Mr. MacNeil was the concrete olocle on the back of the building. It wee decided to Issue c certificate of appropriateness with the understanding the brick would be carried around the building, Floyd Q"lagor, Woretary T/ August 200 is -'Ihe bistorio DiatricteCommission held a bearing at WOO ,M* A mo t O 1957 the l tad ' the application ,. John A MacNeil for the erection of a store and office buOding on Depot 6quare which to within tbho Battle Green Di a riot. Mr*Dsvlv rep.d the notice. spot Sq. He is plarnino to leave a 171 r . We building to to be one story# about 1W `r ah $ red brick oream t lm, It will be concrete blooke wItb brickveneers rs The back concrete blocks. 7here was si.di rabl study by the rxmlWon of the plans# ,.wings, ate. of the proposed . WWII would have either f2agatone s or brock it front of the building. . The alga would to of a Colonial design. !bore wouldi be clearshave in all the windowao The distance between the laurdry building and proposed building would be about 50-029 02 parking abler waa also dicauveed. Floyd 4,lae lcr, Sig tar" T f Sitting were Nessrsa6m .thpHowrarsdi.Parsons, Duvid and krs.merrlam ringuat 200 l967 The Historic Districts Commission held a hearing at UK Pays east 200 >67 In the holectoon'5 poom on the application or -the W Tel ao & Tel* Co. and the Boston Edison Coe to move 8 pole on Tavern Laren which le in the Munroe Tsvern AstrIet. sitting were Neaurs, 8mitht Bowara, parsons# Davis and Von. Merriame, Mr. Davis read the notice. On :uns 14tbp the Telephone Cc , had received a request to move the pole on Tovern to naroet tte street from where it is now, The request was from Ur,walkor, who wants the pole moved becauze it ink rfore with his driveways The now pole would be on a private way( unaccepted atrest)o ad; an private property, Yrs, Berglund objected and went Into details on the thrOO poles at her pro ertya "ban they, builto the wers no utilities and it took, 6 sontba, to get pow"ro The first thauzht was to b,04 in the of from Vaasa Ave* ThIL was rejected by the h Historical Society who wished to keep their PrOPSKY as muz , as It Were It wsu tF a thought tc bring two power In frovi Party Rdo 1hit was also rejected, Povior no,,,, come In frtv Xormauxatz Qlot Rd and wires and polve *to* are about 00mPIQ017 bidden, Another thought was to brIng in power from Warren Site bvt tblB wee rejected because It would baie been necessary to arose private PrOPertY. Urvo Berglund teems that inasmuch Nay so ruoh trouble wee taken to abide by the wiphes of the U16torigal w0clety that the pole In oueetion vbould not be movedo Whe feela th"t I the pole is - eveds the wires will be very plainly seen. Vre Francla 0=110% reprseenting the Telephone Cusp will have the eagIneers got a surface Plot Plan to e0010 showing the exact location of the pole in question and her the now pole would go . Ne Commiezion will then visit the property. kra sulth asked If ar utting of Wean would have to to day Tble 10 also tc be looked Into* It we asked if the wires could be put unaorgroand and Ur. CoWlvio, thought note Mrs.8arg.barA Is of the IsPrOlsiOn that the pole and wires, etc. are all abutting bar property and she would definitely object to hqving the pole moved, Kra Davla will get in touch with Wrowands of the Hiatorleal aeciety to find out bow the Zoolety (seals on We question, Floyd Waylor, 6eeretav,7 T/t