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Bob Avallone pointed out that the meeting agenda had the November and October <br /> complaint assignments swapped, though the assignment spreadsheet was correct. <br /> Ken Pogran explained how the complaints process works, and that there is a <br /> document about the complaints process on the Committee's page on the Town <br /> website. Ken Pogran took an action to send P. K. Shiu the spreadsheet. <br /> c. Letter from Department of Telecommunications and Cable re Verizon FiOS license <br /> expiration October 29, 2021 and renewal process <br /> The town received a reminder letter from the Massachusetts Department of <br /> Telecommunications and Cable that the Verizon FiOS license is due for renewal. <br /> Ken explained that the Town Manager needs to know about the renewal process <br /> because it involves a contract, but Dave Becker said that Selectmen sign the license, <br /> not the Town Manager. Joe Pato pointed out that its legal review is under the Town <br /> Manager's purview. The state also sent a guide to license renewals. <br /> Ken Pogran mentioned that Verizon asked Bedford for a 5 instead of a 10 year <br /> renewal period, and that that the Verizon representative had confirmed that at the <br /> Committee's last meeting. <br /> d. Wireless Services Working Group meeting <br /> The Committee reconstituted this working group at the last meeting—Ben Moroze, <br /> Dorinda Goodman, Ramin Taraz, and Ken Pogran had agreed to participate. Ken <br /> Pogran would like to get this working group going soon—perhaps the week of <br /> November 12'h <br /> 5. LexMedia update <br /> Ken Pogran mentioned that LexMedia owes the Committee an annual report. This report <br /> was due 60 days after the end of the fiscal year, but has been pushed out to 90 days. Florence <br /> DelSanto mentioned that an audit of LexMedia is not done yet, and that state law requires a <br /> complete audit every year because they have a budget of over $500,000/year. This audit will <br /> be part of the annual report. Florence DelSanto said LexMedia owes the Committee a first <br /> quarter report by the end of October. The LexMedia annual meeting is the same day as the <br /> next CAC meeting, but the Committee will get the report before the next meeting. Smita <br /> Desai, Rita Vachani, and Bob Avallone are in the LexMedia oversight group and will review <br /> the report. <br /> The LexMedia annual meeting is on Nov 15''. Florence DelSanto met with the new Town <br /> Manager and invited him to visit LexMedia for an interview. New camera equipment has <br /> been ordered for the Selectmen's Meeting Room--this will allow control of the cameras from <br /> LexMedia. There is currently a booth in the town office building to operate the cameras. <br /> The room projector will have a feed directly to LexMedia for presentations, similar to the <br /> hall in the Cary Building. These will be high definition cameras. Ramin Taraz asked about <br /> security of the network link between the Town offices and LexMedia: the video feed goes <br /> over private fiber, and camera control and video may share the same link. Dorinda Goodman <br /> said that it's a private LexMedia network. Dave Becker asked how we send video to the <br /> cable providers from LexMedia: it is sent to each provider from Klein Hall. <br /> LexMedia projects underway: redesigning the LexMedia website (Cider House is the <br /> contractor for the website); there is new building signage for LexMedia, but Avalon <br />