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persons who have entered the service of the United <br /> States, and report the list to the TovJn - <br /> = Art. 15. To hear reports of Committees, and act <br /> thereon - <br /> Continued <br /> 1862 3 <br /> � Continued <br /> Hereof iail not and make return oz this warrant <br /> and your doir�s thereon, to the Tovu Clerk, on or <br /> before the ti�ne prefixed- <br /> Given under our hands <br /> at Lexington this 13th day of Fe.bruary A.D. one <br /> thousand eight hundred and sixty-tyvo - <br /> Charles Hudson <br /> �iVeoster SY,iith Selectmen of <br /> PJ. Henry Smith 2d I,exington <br /> , The Selectrnen vvill be �in session at ' the Town <br /> Hall on Saturday the First day oP Plarch next <br /> from 7 Lo 8 o'clock P.M. and ont.Y�e fla� of <br /> �lection from 12 o' clock, N. to 1 oTclock P.P,7. <br /> �o correct and revise the voting list ,and no <br /> will be inserted on the list after the <br /> Poll is opened - <br /> Lex3 ngton FeUy, 25, 1862 - <br /> Pursuant to the within �varrant, I have notified <br /> the inha..bitants of the Town of Lexington, here- <br /> in described, to meet at the time and place, <br /> and for the purposes within mentioned - <br /> Oliver '�I Kendall Constabge of <br /> Lexington <br /> 1i true copy of the original <br /> v Attest Albert 6'f Bryant Town Clerk- <br /> 4 1862 <br /> To�vn Nieeting <br /> The inhabitants of Lexington qualiPied to vote <br /> for State OfFicers, assembled at the Town House <br /> on the 5d day of D�arch 1862, in accordance with <br /> the foregoing vaarrant and the fo,llowing votes <br /> were passed upon the seYeral articles, STiz : <br /> �rt. l. It7r �i�Iebster Smith elected �Soderator- <br /> Art. 2. Thefollowing Town Officers elected <br /> Those �` �lbert GJ Bryant Town Clerk - <br /> persons . . <br /> having � Charles Hudson ) <br /> this �' :�Jebster S7nith ) Selectmen <br /> mark '� '+f• Henry SYnith 2d ) <br /> against - <br /> their "� �• ��. Crowninshield ) <br /> names * Nathan Pessenden Sr ) Assessor,� _ <br /> have been William Chandler ) <br /> qualified <br /> by the * Eli Simonds ) Overseers of the Poor & <br /> oath of "� Albert Fitch ) gurueyors of .Hi�l�ti�ays <br /> office - * Isaac N Damon ) <br /> * Oliver 4�f. Kendall Constable - <br />