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Art . 15e ) To see if the town will defray the expense <br /> of having the Bell rung at nine o ' clock in the even- <br /> ing - for one year - <br /> Art . 16 . ) To hear reports of Committees & act thereon- <br /> Arte 17 . ) To see if the town will allow Isaac Muzzey <br /> to work his highway tax on the town road from the Park- <br /> hurst house ( so called,) to its termination near said <br /> Muzzey ' s house for the term of five years from the <br /> first of March A . D . 1838 - <br /> Hereof fail not - & make return of this war- <br /> rant with your doings thereon , on or before the time <br /> prefixed - <br /> Given under our hands at Lexington this <br /> eighteenth day of February A . D . one thousand eight <br /> hundred & thirty nine <br /> ( Signed ) Philip Russell ) Selectmen <br /> Isaac Mulliken ) of <br /> Sidney lairence ) Lexington <br /> Lexington March 4 , 1839 - <br /> Agreeable to the above I have notified <br /> & warned as directed <br /> ( Signed. ) Jonas M. Muzzey ) Constable <br /> 18390 3 <br /> Town Meeting . <br /> March 40 <br /> At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the <br /> town of Lexington , warned to assemble at the Old Meet- <br /> inghouse on Monday the fourth day of March Ae D . 1839 <br /> at nine o ' clock A. M . the several articles in the war - <br /> rant for said meeting were disposed of as follows ; viz : <br /> Article l . ) Col . Philip Russell. was chosen Moderator - <br /> Those Arte 2 . ) *John Mulliken Jr . was chosen Town Clerk- <br /> persons ' Col ® . Philip Russell was chosen first Se- ) Se - <br /> having le✓ctman- ''Isaac Mulliken was chosen second Select- ) lect - <br /> this man Sidney Lawrence was chosen third Select - ) men <br /> mark* man *Capt e Isaac Mulliken was chosen first ) As- <br /> prefixed Assessor *Jacob Robinson was chosen second Assess - ) sess - <br /> to their or *Charles Tidd was chosen third Assessor ) ors <br /> names , At twenty minutes past 12 o ' clock the <br /> have been meeting was . journed for one hour - <br /> qualified <br /> by taking Attest C . Tidd , Town Clerk <br /> oath , as <br /> the Law The town met according to the above ad- <br /> directs . journment ; & resumed the balloting for town officers - <br /> Nathaniel Mulliken Esq . was chosen first ) Over- <br /> Overseer of the Poor ) seers <br /> Joseph Davis was chosen second " 94 ) of the <br /> David Tuttle was chosen third " t? ) Poor- <br /> Voted to dispense with choosing Town <br /> Treasurer untill the town had decided in what way taxes <br /> shall be collected for the ensuing year - <br /> *Jonas M . Muzzey was chosen Constable <br /> After the aforementioned decision was <br /> made inregard to collecting taxes ® A <br /> `Jonathan S . Parker was chosen Treasurer <br /> & Collector ° <br /> Art . 3 . ) Voted to defer action on this article <br /> untill the next town meeting- ` <br />