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(28) <br />a Meetting of the freeholdere & other inhabitants of the <br />Town Lexington Duly qualified and reguraly assembled <br />represent -on the 27 day of June 1720 for the Choice of a rep- <br />ative resentative; then Chose Leiut Frances Bowman to <br />chose represent them at the great and general' Court <br />At a meeting of the Select men of Lexington June 27 1729 <br />Select the Select men being sent to by the court to take <br />men take care of Rachel Carley, they appointed Decon Mirriam <br />care & Mr Than Bloggett to attend ye Court on the 11 <br />Rachel July at Cambridg to inforiue ye Court of the Circum - <br />Carly stances of the above Sd Rachel Carley <br />At a Meeting of the Select. Dien of Lexington July 25. 1720 - <br />bilis then ordred the Clerk to pass a bill of 1 1-15-d00 <br />past on the town treasurer to pay Mrs. Poulter for <br />Sweeping the meeting house the year past out of <br />the town treasury, alis o ordred the Clerk to send a <br />a caution warrant to the Const. to warne ammi Spencer with <br />against his farly forth with to remove out of town, and <br />Spencer appointed Joseph Fassett to gett the Caution <br />Entred as ye law directs <br />The account of things provided by the Select men <br />things at the towns Charge for william Chamberlin in June <br />provided 1720 - <br />for Chane Dea. John Mirriam a new Shirt 1 00-07-03 <br />berlin ITT. Thom Bloggett a new Shirt 00-07-06 <br />leiut John Munroe a pare of briches S 10 & a pare <br />[thus 8;00-18-00 <br />Benja. Wellington a jackit - - - - - 00-05-00 <br />At a meeting of the Select men of Lexington august 29 1720 <br />meeting Then ordred the Clerk to Send warrants to the <br />to be Constables to warne the town to meet on munday <br />warned the 12 day of September next to agree about a <br />& about Schoole in Sd town and aliso to raise money to <br />ye Schoole defray the charge <br />At a meeting of the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the <br />meeting town of Lexington Duly qualified & reguraly <br />the assembled on the 12 day of September 1720 (1) <br />Schoole voted Joseph Fassett ]Iloderater <br />2 voted to have a grainer Schoole kept in Lexington <br />from ye first of november next until' five months <br />be Expired <br />3 voted fifteen pounds to Seport the Schoole in sd <br />John town 5 months John Stone juner being present at <br />Stone the above sd meeting Entred his decent against <br />Decent the preceeings of the same becaus he thought the <br />meeting was not leagaly warned <br />At a Meeting of the Select men of Lexington September 12 1720 <br />orderd Then ordred the Clerk to pass a bili on the town <br />a Bill treasurer of twenty pounds in full of Sir Hancocks <br />Salery for keeping Schoole in Sd town the year past. <br />then past the folowing hills to the treasurer (1) <br />to pay Sir hancock 1 20 in full of his Salery for <br />1 eepin Schoole in sd town out of ye town treasury <br />(2) a bill of thirty five shilings for Sweeping <br />the meeting house to firs Poulter out of the town <br />treasury (3) a bill of ten shilings to Or Daniel <br />White for - serving as Constabel out of the town <br />treasury • <br />Bills <br />paid <br />