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Last of March next following: Sd School to be free <br />from paying any poll money; Sd Estabrooke to have <br />5 days in Sd Terme at his own dispose; and at ye <br />Expiration of Sd Terme he shall have for his Ser- <br />vice; (Sd Terme;) fifteen pound out of ye publick <br />Treasury of Sd Town <br />Likewise appointed Clerk Laurence to gett ye Caution against <br />james Pain Entered as ye Law Directs <br />(22) <br />At a Meeting of ye Select Men of; Lexington October 2: 1718: <br />ye Clerk then they ordered ye Clerk to Send a warrant to <br />to Send ye Constable to warn Roburt Foskit & John Ander- <br />warrants son, with` their families Speedily to depart out <br />Foskit &c : of our Sd Town <br />At a Meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington Decembr 1: 1718 <br />IIir <br />Wellen -Then appointed N'r Ben Wellenton; to ,wait <br />ton ap- upon ye Sessions in order to ye geting ye Cautions <br />pointed Entered against Robart Foskit & Tohn Anderson &c; <br />to get ye at charlstown Dec: 9: 1718: <br />Caution <br />entered <br />Likewise <br />Comitte <br />for view- <br />ing mr <br />Blodgett <br />way not <br />Exepted <br />Likewise <br />Bils <br />passed for <br />assessors <br />for <br />female <br />Schools <br />Likewise <br />order for <br />calling a <br />Town <br />meeting <br />Then appointed Captn. Toseph Bowman; Deacon Sam11 <br />Stone & mr. Toseph Tid to be a comitte, to go <br />upon ye way laid out for mr ThomRs Biodget &c: on <br />ye southerly side of Joseph Locks Land; & haveing <br />viewed it; to mike report; to ye Select oxen of sd <br />Town on ye last Monday of December currant; (if <br />ye season of ye year will allow of it; otherwise <br />to ye Clerk as soon as they can do it;) Whether <br />ye way aforesd be fit; for ye Town to travail in, <br />as was promissed by sd Blodget &c: as will appear <br />by record bearing Date aprill: 1: 1715 & to take <br />delivery of Sd way in ye behalf of sd Town if <br />they see cause <br />Ordered ye Clerk to pass ye following Bils upon <br />the Treasurer of Sd town;:Viz: to ye assessors <br />for their service relateing ye Taxes for this <br />year 06-11-00; To Mr Thomas Biodget 11 1-sh 10- <br />dd00, mr Benjamin welenton 3-1-6 to mr Joseph <br />Fasset; 1-16-6: Likewise Bils for paying ye <br />female Schools Viz to Benjamin "£elenton 1-2-6; <br />to mr clap 2-7-8: to james Russel 1-15-0; & to <br />Samml Stone as assessor; 3: relating ye ccmnxis- <br />`sioners <br />Then Ordered ye Clerk to Send out warrants to <br />ye Constables; to warn ye Town to appear at ye <br />Schoolhouse in Sd Town, on ye 22 day of Decenxbr <br />currant at 12 of ye clock; to see whether ye <br />Town will pay for ye way Layed out for Thomas <br />Kendel;' thro Captains Reeds Land; or Whether <br />they will take any method to prevent it: <br />Likewise to hear & act upon ye petion of Richard <br />Ormes; relateing to a peice of ye niinisteriall <br />Land; Lying on ye north side of. ye long Cause- <br />way Leading to Concord Sd petition or.request <br />inserted in ye begining of this Book® <br />