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May 19: 17.7/8 then ye above sd Town Officers, made oath <br />in their respective place before ye Select of sd <br />Town;. as ye Law Directs. <br />june: 5: 1717. Received of Thomas Bloggett of Lexington <br />John five pound Money in behalf of ye Select men of Sd <br />CutterTown; Which I acknowledge M. full satisfaction for <br />reciv-a Way Laid out upon my ind by ye Eight mile Line <br />ed begining at ye easterly end of Joseph Locks Stone. <br />Thomas wall; tuning from thence to John Herringtons Land, <br />Blod- being about one hundred & thirteen Rods in length <br />gett & 100 Rods & half in breadte: I say Recd by me <br />John Cutter 5-0 -0 <br />At a Meeting of ye Select Men of. Lexington ye 9 of <br />agreed .prill 1717/8 Then they agreed with Mr Benjamin. <br />with Muzzey to ring ye Bell one year; from ye Date <br />Benj. hereof, & to ring four times in a day ,yt at all <br />Muzzy times upon ocation; ye ringing at ye funeralis <br />to ring except for.which service he is to have 11 1-sh <br />ye Belt 10- dd 10:out of ye Treasury. So then they with ye <br />Constables made choise of Joseph Tid --- a Sealer <br />of waits and measures & gave him his oath <br />At a meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington on ye 28 <br />of April <br />(20) <br />Likewise Then agreed with ye Widow Poulter to Sweep <br />sweep -ye meeting house for ye Te ne of one year; ye <br />ing year to begin on ye 17 of may next, & at ye <br />ye Expiration of Sd Term, She shall have out of <br />meet- ye Treasury of sd Town for herService 30 shill- <br />ing ings <br />house <br />At a meeting of ye Town of Lexington: orderly con - <br />Town .versed ye1'freeholders and other inhabitants <br />Rate Legaly qualified for voteing in Twon affairs; <br />90 ' on y -e 15 day of may: 1718: (1) voted Captn <br />pound Joseph Bowrnan Moderator (2) voted 90 pounds <br />granted; and -made in to a Rate, and delivered <br />so seasonably to ye Constables; as yt thay may <br />pay in ye one haffe by ye first of December <br />next Ensuing; on -ye other half by ye last of <br />March next following; into ye Treasury of Sd <br />Town for ye Defraying of sd Town Charges ye <br />Ensuing year. <br />3voted if a work Rate be made for ye' <br />Town of ye high ways in Sd Town to be valued as <br />act followeth; Viz: a man with 2 oxen & a sutable <br />for cart; at 4 shillings ye diem: & a man with -3 <br />Ye Cattle & a sutable cart; at 6 shillings ye diem <br />repai-& a Single hand with Such Sutable tool as he <br />ing shall be by ye Surveyor appointed; sh 2 -dd 0 <br />of ye diem; & & if any portion or portions being <br />high- fiat Leagally warned by ye Surveyor, or Survey- <br />ways ots of Sd Town; to work in sd ways, shall <br />whilst; either by himself or some other out <br />portion in his behalf, to ye acceptance of Sd <br />Surveyor ; to work as afore sd. <br />Then every Such portion or portions Sorefuse- <br />- ing; shall pay; for his non appearance at time_and <br />place; as he shall be ordered by ye Surveyor, or <br />Surveyors, 4 shillings for a man and 2 oxen and <br />cart & 5 for a man and 3 cattle and cart, & 2-6 <br />for a man and such sutable tool as he shall be <br />