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Likewise ye Select Men Ordered ye Clerk to pass a bill <br />upon ye Treasurer for ye paying of Captain Reed <br />11 5-Sh8-d0; for serving ye Town as a represent- <br />ative in a Session begining ye 23 of October; & <br />ended ye 22 of Novbr: 27d & also ye 12 Shillings <br />above mentioned; both amounting to Six pouns <br />Likewise then appointed Captn Bowman to get ye Caution <br />Rite?eo against Anos-Morrell Entered at ye Sessions <br />Likewise ye Treasurer made up his accompts; in ye above <br />Sd Town meeting Nov 25: 1717: being all ballanced; <br />until' ye year 1717: there resteddue to Town <br />06-02-09 <br />At a Meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington on ye 30 of <br />December: 1717 Then Resolved ye following Bils to <br />be passed upon ye Treasurer of sd Town Imprimis <br />to Satisfie ye Sherriff for Setling ye Writt and <br />Summons upon sd Town It for paying ye Peramulators <br />01-04-00; Viz To Captn Joseph Bowman Deacon Sam <br />(18) <br />Stone; & Deacon 'John Mirriam four Shillings each: <br />Lt Francis Bowman; Ensign Vi lim Munroe Serg; <br />--Joseph Fasset; Serg George MunRoe, Edward Winshipp; <br />& Sohn Russell.june; 2: Shillings each for=paying <br />Jt 8 Constables; Viz: Ensign JohnMason, james Wilson; <br />Thomas Mead, Daniel White; Serg Joseph Fasset; <br />Joseph Loring, & Seg George Munroe; to Sd Fasset <br />20 shillings; & to ye rest 10 shill each for pay - <br />St ing Joseph Estabrooke; for waiting .upon ye Sessions <br />at Cambridge; relateing; John 'Cutters Complaint & <br />Cap Reed damage ( 11 4 - dO) for paying Sam Lock <br />Jt & Samil Kendel; being witnesses 4 shilling each <br />Jt for paying ye Sessions Committe Relateing to <br />Thomas Kendels way Viz: to Deacon Samil Cooper; <br />Mr And Bordman & Captn Bordman 11 5 each for paging <br />Jt Lt John Munroe for ye Seals 00-01-06: <br />Jt for paying ye female Schools., 11-01-sh 17-d05; Viz, <br />To Clerk Laurances Wife eighteen. shillings & 11 <br />pence, & to Ephraim Winships Wife sh 18-dd06 <br />Likewise appointed Lt Francis Bowman; to take care; and <br />informe ye Select Men; Whither Captn Reed makes <br />ye Select men appelles; in his reasons of appeal; <br />Relateing to Thomas Kendels Way; or not <br />Jan: 1: 17178Pursuant to ye Orders of ye Select Men; <br />on December: 30: 1717: ye perticuler Buis for ye <br />payment of ye perticuler Sutra .of Money; to ye <br />persons as as abovementioned, Were passed upon <br />Sd Treasurer <br />At A Meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington on ye 22 of <br />January 1717/8 ye Town Treasurer being prsent, <br />paid to Lt Francis Bowman Ila-sh 10-dd00; sd <br />Bowman being by them Sent to takeoff ye reasons <br />of Capt reeds Appeal: (if he made Sd Select Men <br />Appellers;) & to make provision for ye answering <br />of ye same; So far as concerns Sd Town <br />At a meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington on ye 27 of <br />January 1717/8 Then they Ordered ye Clerk to pass <br />Bails upon ye Treasurer for ye payment of ye perticu- <br />ler Sums; to ye persons hereafter following Viz; <br />to ye assessors for makeing ye Rates for ye year; <br />- 1717; 11 3-s.h4-ddo; to Sg Ben jmin Wellenton 11 1- <br />sh 7 -dd 0; to Sg Joseph Fasset 11 1-sh 2-dd0, to <br />Shmll Sterns; 11 0-sh 15 - dd 0 <br />